The new essay warns the dangers of non -literacy in measurements

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Arthur Paul Pedsen is a teacher of CUNY REMOTE SENSTEMS (CREST) Systems (CREST) by New York’s City College of Engineering The main author is. The essay, published in the National Science Academy Journal of Proceedings, warns the dangerous meaning of non -literary measurements in modern scientific discourse and promotes a wide range of efforts to reform measurement literacy.
According to the paper, measurement literacy is necessary to effectively execute scientific business, such as inference, experimental design, verification, and error treatment in theory construction. It is to form and determine the issues of science and public policy, such as proposals for reproducibility and theory, proposals for dealing with them, financing of research programs and government agencies, and determining public health and economic policy. Provides the necessary bases. 。
“From the movement of American eugenics to the market crash in 2008, the history is abundant in episodes that show that the failure of measurement literacy can be accurate for companies in science and everyday human problems,” said Pedersen. I am. “This paper is responsible for promoting measurement literacy and supporting it by bringing out ideas and examples of science of language that scientists and raperson can be accessed as well. “
“This is a call for actions to reconfigate the measurement literacy in scientific discourse,” Pedsen added. “By doing so, you can take meaningful measures to address the crisis of scientific discourse, such as the crisis of reproducibility, and to promote more effective and meaningful scientific communication. Only for.
Pedsen’s co -author belongs to the University of Siracus, the University of Washington, the University of Missuri, the University of West Australia, the University of Johnshopkins, the University of Texas, the University of Austin, Italy, and the University of Potzama. In Germany.
Details: Arthur Paul Pedessen and others, discussions on measurement, minutes of the National Science Academy (2025). Doi: 10.1073/pnas.240129121
Provided by the New York City College
Quoted: Https:// Illiteracy.html from January 31, 2025 New essay warning of measurement obtained on January 31, 2025 (January 31, 2025)
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