Space & Cosmos

The measurement of the ingenuity reveals the surprising wind speed of Mars.

NASA’s creative helicopter this view was generated on August 2, 2023 using data collected by Mastcam-Z on a MARS Rover, which is a distributor. Credit: NASA/JPL-CALTECH/ASU/MSSS

One of my dissatisfaction in the “The Martian” movie was the depiction of the wind of Mars. Low air density means that high -speed type of high -speed winds that can be experienced on the earth has much less on Mars. NASA’s creative helicopters have taken a great deal of conditions during the 72 flights on Mars. A new paper has been released, and the wind speed of various altitude and red planets has been reported. In the previous model, it suggested that the wind speed did not exceed 15 m/s, but I saw the speed of 25 m/s for ingenuity.

Mars is probably the most similar to the earth, but it is similar to all the planets in our solar system. The weather on Mars is harsh and extreme, features cold temperature, rare atmosphere, and dust storms. The average temperature is about -60 ° C, but it may reach a 20 ° C toast in the summer near the equator. The atmosphere is mainly composed of carbon dioxide and is about 100 times thinner than the earth, so there is little insulation or protection from solar radiation. Occasionally, the wind of Mars will enliven the global sandstorm that blends the surface of the earth from visibility.

The Model of the atmosphere of Mars was thought to be quite accurate. In other words, until the ingenuity arrives and the flight is completed. IngenUity has revealed some amazing conditions as a part of the MARS 2020 mission and the first air vehicle that has successfully completed the power facing in another world. Surprisingly, it was probably that the first attempt of driving flight was a technology demonstration, but instead, it derived the rover on the ground, collected data from the atmosphere, and was an important part of MARS 2020. We provided high -resolution images to become.

One of the results of the IngenUity flight was to understand the wind of Mars better. The team explained a fairly original approach in a paper written by the Brain Jackson and The Planetary Society Journal. Because we knew that the payload was strictly restricted on the ship, it was decided to use the ingenuity itself to check the wind speed.

Previous studies showed that the speed could be calculated using a stable hovering drone inclination. The drone generates a forward thrust by inclined in the direction required to move. If they are stable and the wind is still blowing on the hover, the drone drifts. Instead, in order to compete with the drift, the drone flies in the wind and keeps the position compared to the ground, and maintains more inclination with a stronger headwind.

Measurement of inclination is relatively simple thanks to the collection of engineering sensors, cameras, and accelerator meters. All information collected by these on -board devices and returned to the earth could accurately calculate the wind speed by analyzing and calculating a different altitude drone.

The result is surprising, indicating that the wind of Mars is generally higher than expected. The speed was measured at an altitude of 3 to 24 meters, and it was found that it blows up to 25 m/seconds. This is probably the result of Ingenuity’s unique abilities that can measure the speed at a different altitude over a certain period of time. Previous measurements have been achieved from the probe descended from the probe on the atmosphere or ground.

Mission specialists who are working on DRAGONFLY ROTORCRAFT, who are in Titan, who are promoting the success of IngenUity, want to recreate the results and better understand the wind profile.

Details: Brian Jackson et al, Mars 2020 IngenUity, The Planetary Science Journal (2025) attitude (2025) is a wind profiling near Mars. Doi: 10.3847/PSJ/AD8B41

Provided by today’s Universe

Quotation: In the measurement of the ingenuity, the surprising wind speed (January 27, 2025) is MygenUity-reveal-mars.html. I got from

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