
The marine plate between Arabia and Eurasian continental plates is broken

The map of the Northern Middle East shows the Arabian and Eurasian plates, their collision zones, and survey areas in the Kurdistan area in Iraq. Credit: Solid Earth (2024). Doi: 10.5194/SE-15-1365-2024

An international research team led by the University of Gettingen has investigated the impact of the Zagros Mountains on how the Zagross Mountains in the Kuldistan region of Iraq have bent over the past 20 million years. Their research has shown that the seabed of Neotetis, the sea floor between the Arabia and Eurasian continents, is now deep in the surface of the earth, and the tears are gradually growing northwest from Turkey. It has become. Iran.

Their discoveries indicate how the evolution of the earth is controlled by a deep process inside the planet. This study is published in Journal Solid Earth.

When two continents converge for millions of years, the marine floor between them slides to the depth under the continent. Eventually, the continent collides, and the lumps of the rocks from the edge are lifted into the random mountains. For more than one million years, the huge weight of these mountains bends the surface of the surrounding Earth down. As time goes on, sediments that have been eroded from the mountains accumulate in this depression and form a plane such as Mesopotamia in the Middle East.

Researchers have modeled a lower -facing bend on the surface of the earth based on the Zagross luggage in which the Arabian continent is colliding with Eurasia. They recreate the unusual depression in the southeastern part of the survey area by combining the size of depression that resulted in the resulting depression based on the terrain calculated based on the mantle of the earth. Researchers have found that the weight of the mountains alone cannot explain depression of 3 to 4 km of depth that has been formed for the past 15 million years and has been filled with sediment.

The marine plate between Arabia and Eurasian continental plates is broken

The mountains and sediments of Zagross have been accumulated for millions of years along the depression at the base of the mountain. Credit: Renas Koshnaw

“Considering the middle terrain of the northwest Zagros area, it was surprising to know that there were so many sediments in the area we studied. This is a land depression. Dr. Renas Koshnaw, the leader and postdoc researcher in the structural geology and geothermal sector of Göttingenuniversity, is said to be the sickness of the disease.

Researchers have suggested that this is caused by additional loads of sinking marine plates that are still attached to the Arabic board. Koshnaw says, “This plate pulls the area down from the bottom and creates a space for accumulation of more sediments. The depression filled with sediment towards the seven -sided bird is much shallow. , Suggests that the slab is broken in this area, and relieves the lower -facing pull.

The global mechanics model developed in this study also benefit from other fields.

“This study contributes to understanding how the outer shell with rigidity of the earth works,” Koshnaw explains.

Such studies provide information to explore natural resources such as sediment ore and geothermal energy, and provide better characteristics of earthquake risks, which will lead to actual applications in the future. There is a possibility.

Details: Renas I. Koshnaw et al, NW Zagros Foreland Basin, the medial sedimentation pattern of the sub -sediment in the southeast of Neotethys Slab, Solid Earth (2024), the southeast propagation leighter. Doi: 10.5194/SE-15-1365-2024

Provided by Gettingen University

Quoted: The marine plate between the Arabia and the Eurasian continental plate is broken (January 29, 2025) January 29, 2025 Obtained from -Eurasian-continental.htmll

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