The first major chunks break away from the world’s largest iceberg

The world’s largest iceberg was almost intact because it drifted through the sea, but scientists have now disconnected 19 km (12 miles).
Scientists told AFP on Friday.
More than twice the size of London, the giant iceberg, which weighs nearly 1 trillion tons, has been almost the same since it began to move north slowly in 2020.
It drifts toward the remote islands of Southern Georgia in the Southern Atlantic Ocean, rising in shallow water, raising prospects that can destroy baby penguins and seals.
However, when the chunk of about 19 kilometers in length (12 miles) was cut, Andrew Myjurers of the United Kingdom, who encountered iceberg in late 2023 and tracked his fate through satellites, said. Ta.
“This is definitely the first important slicing of the iceberg that appeared,” said a physical marine scholar.
SOLEDAD TIRANTI, a glaciologist who is currently an exploration voyage of Argentina in Antarctica, also told AFP that the section was “broken.”
The jagged piece has an area of ​​about 80 square kilometers (31 square miles). Although it itself exists, it is only a part of the remaining about 3360 square kilometers.
MEIJERS states that the iceberg is full of deep fractures, and this monumental specimen shrinks over time and lost much smaller works, but “it was held quite well.” Ta.
“This is a sign of those ripples that have begun to dissolve,” he said.
In the past, other mega ice burgers said they had been “relatively fast for a few weeks” after they began to lose their large pieces.
It was hard to say “loose teeth just waiting for them to come out” or whether it is a much larger change in progress.
“I’m sorry, but it’s not really accurate science how these things collapse … it’s really difficult to say whether this will fall apart or if you’re hanging together longer.” Maegers said.
The world’s largest and oldest iceberg, known as A23A, was hidden from the Antarctic shelf in 1986.
Before it was finally broken in 2020, he was stuck for more than 30 years. The wood journey was sometimes spinning by the Navy.
This freshwater monster block was foamed by the world’s most powerful “jet stream”, that is, the pole water current in the Antarctica.
Maegers stated that the trajectory to Southern Georgia, an important eating place for seals and penguins, is unlikely to change due to the loss of this lump.
However, if it collapses further, the bait of animals may be operated without being obstructed to find food between small lumps, so “threats much less for wildlife”. He added that it would bring.
The iceberg has been grounded there in the past, causing a penguin chicken and sealed puppies.
Tollan said that the iceberg was expected to walk on the northern road, but the exact course depends on how the flow of the region affected the movement.
© 2025 AFP
Quotation: Most of the most chunks are on January 31, 2025 Break out of the iceberg (January 31, 2025).
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