Space & Cosmos

The amazing signature of the WASP-121B dynamic atmosphere will challenge the understanding of “roasting marshmallows”.

Hot Jupiter Credit Artist Impression: International Gemini ObservaTory/NOIRLAB/NSF/Aura/J. Da Silva/Spaceengine/M. Zamani

Almost one -third of the known outside planet is a huge gas company similar to Jupiter and Saturn. However, while our solar system has developed as a gas giant far from our sun, some planetary systems are so -called “hot or very hot, very close to the stars.” It is composed of. These hot, swelling giants can withstand extreme temperature, sometimes called “roast marshmallow”.

Peter Smith, a graduate of the ARIZONA State University Faculty of Space Exploration, is a member of the ROASTING program, and the hot and super hot Jupiter type. Disk Learn about.

This program uses immersion in the immersion lattice infrared light device (Igulin), which is a gemini South Terescope of Chile, half of the International Gemini Observatory operated by NSF Noarlab.

Recently, the team has observed the well-known gasp-121B, and their observation has revealed something unexpected about the history of its formation. Their research is described in the paper published in astronomy magazines.

The planetary system is formed from what is called a proto planetary disk. This is a swirling disk containing a mixture of rock -filled materials. Rock -filled materials, such as iron, magnesium, and silicon, can be easily found in the solidified state and need to evaporate extreme levels of heat, but it looks like ice such as water, methane, ammonia, and carbon monoxide. Materials can easily evaporate and need to be very low. Condensed temperature.

Due to the different temperature values, the ice -like ice -like material in the disk spreads from a star to a solid to gas depending on the distance.

As a result, astronomers can search for these elements in the composition of the planet and their atmosphere, calculate the ratio of rock and ice materials, and determine how far from the stars formed by the planet. Masu.

In order to measure this ratio, it usually uses one device that is sensitive to visible light to detect a solid rock -rich element, and use another device that is sensitive to infrared rays. It is necessary to detect the ice element. However, the WASP-121B is a very hot Jupiter with extreme temperature, so both materials evaporate in the atmosphere and can be detected by high-spectrum resolution.

Gemini South Igulin detects amazing signatures in the dynamic atmosphere of Explanet WASP-121B.

This figure shows how the temperature of the stars in the stars of the stars is distributed because the temperature of the stars is different. Credit: NOIRLAB/NSF/AURA/P. Marenfeld

With these observations, Smith and his team measured the ratio of passenger rock and ice for the first time using a single device.

This unique function approved by IGRINS eliminates potential errors introduced by tools and point out a optimistic way for the Explanet Chemical Analysis.

“Gemini South using IGRINS has actually measured individual chemicals more accurately than even achieving a cosmic telescope,” says Smith.

The spectroscopic data indicates that the WASP-121B has a high ratio of rock and ice, and indicates that excessive rocky materials have been accumulated during the formation. This suggests a planet formed in the area of ​​the protranetary disk that is too hot for the ice to condense.

“Our measurement is probably necessary to reconsider this typical view, and that our planetary formation models need to be revisited,” says Smith.

Smith and his team have also discovered a remarkable feature of the WASP-121B atmosphere. “The climate of this planet is extreme, not the earth’s climate,” he says.

Since the planet day is very hot, elements that are generally considered “metal” evaporate in the atmosphere and can be detected by the lighting method. The strong wind blows these metals into the permanent night side of the planet. There, it is cool enough to condense and rain.

“The sensitivity of our device can be used to see the subtle of the wind speed by using these elements to examine different areas, altitude, and long terms, and how dynamic this planet is. I’m going to do it, “says Smith.

Iglins was a Gemini South visit instrument when Smith observed WASP-121B in 2022 and 2023. Since then, I have returned to the telescope to my hometown facility. This instrument was very successful, so a new repetition of Ingrin 2 was entrusted to the Hawaiian gemininoscope and is now in the science calibration stage.

Smith mentions IGRINS as a major factor in the detailed measurement of the WASP-121B atmosphere, and is looking forward to using Igrin 2 to other diplomatic systems.

Building a bigger sample with a hot and very hot Jupiter atmosphere allows scientists to improve their knowledge of how a huge planet is formed.

Details: Peter CB Smith et al, The Roasting Marshmallows program uses iGrins for Gemini South. II. The Astronomical Journal (2024) has a ratio of WASP-121 B, a superstar C/O and the impact resistance and volatility. Doi: 10.3847/1538-3881/AD8574

Provided by the National Science Foundation

Quotation: The amazing signature of the dynamic atmosphere of WASP-121B is SignatureS-WASP-121B- On the 1st of the month, we will challenge an amazing signature on how to collect the Roast Marshmallow form (January 31, 2025). dynamic-aTMOSPHERE.HTML

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