
Team investigates population genetic characteristics of two hybrid crucian carp lines

Central linkage network based on Tf alleles. Credit: Reproduction and Breeding (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.repbre.2024.07.002

Crucian carp (Carassius auratus) is a common freshwater fish in China, and its farming mainly relies on artificially bred superior varieties. A hybrid strain derived from Carassius cuvieri (♀) × C. auratus red var. (♂) (HFJ) and new homodiploid crucian carp-like lineages derived from carp (♀) × Megalobrama amlycephala (♂) (NCRC) are important germplasm sources for crucian carp.

A recent study published in the journal Reproduction and Breeding investigated the population characteristics of two hybrid strains based on one nuclear genetic molecular marker, transferrin (Tf).

The researchers selected HFJ, NCRC, and four other crucian carp populations for study and analyzed their genetic polymorphisms and population structure, which differed from that found using mitochondrial molecular markers. I gained some new insights.

“Assessing genetic diversity is an important link in germplasm resource conservation and research,” explains corresponding author Konghui Yang, a researcher at the State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Fish Developmental Biology at Hunan Normal University.

“Previously, we used mitochondrial COI genes and D-loop data to access genetic diversity in Carasius populations, and found that cultured populations had relatively low levels of haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity compared to wild populations. I discovered that.”

However, in this study, the researchers observed that the nucleotide diversity of the wild population was lower than that of the cultured population, contradicting previous conclusions based on mitochondrial genes.

“These new findings suggest a potential correlation between the high genetic diversity of Tf alleles observed in cultured populations of Charasius and their hybrid origin.” Mr. Yang says. “We hypothesize that the high polymorphism of nuclear genes in HFJ and NCRC may contribute to their high resistance to stress and infection.”

The researchers also analyzed the relationships among six Carassius populations, but found no clear population structure between wild and cultivated strains by Tf allele, as evidenced by a clear mixed distribution. It wasn’t done.

Yang highlights the genetic characteristics of HFJ and NCRC hybrids.

“The lack of clear genetic divergence may be due to the complex genetic background and genomic instability of the HFJ and NCRC hybrid varieties,” she says. “Nevertheless, this study provides direct evidence based on nuclear marker data for the hybrid genetic characteristics of two hybrid lines.”

Further information: Wenjie Luo et al. Population genetic characteristics, reproduction and breeding of two crucian carp varieties derived from distance hybridization (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.repbre.2024.07.002

Citation: Team investigates population genetic characteristics of two hybrid crucian carp lines (November 7, 2024) From Retrieved November 7, 2024

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