The whale pattern follows the universal laws of human language, new research finds
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain All known human languages ​​show surprising patterns. The most frequent words in a language are the second most frequent, the third three times more frequent. This is known as the ZIPF Law. Researchers were looking for evidence of this pattern in communication between other species, but up until now, no other examples were found. In a…
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Newborn killer whale Tahlequah dies
Written by Linda V. Mapes Credit: CC0 Public Domain In a day of sadness and surprise, Puget Sound researchers discovered Tuesday that the new calf, J61, born to mother killer whale Tahlequah did not survive, and that a new calf was also born from the J pod. did. Brad Hanson, a biologist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Northwest…
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Baby killer whale born in Washington’s L pod
Linda V. Marps, The Seattle Times Killer whales jump out of the water when they swim, a behavior called porpoising. Credit: Minette Layne/Wikipedia/CC A Southern Resident killer whale has been born: L128, the first calf to 31-year-old mother L90 to give birth. The baby is small and the placenta is clearly visible, meaning it’s probably about three days old. The…
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