
  • Space & CosmosHere's How Interstellar Objects And Rogue Planets Get Trapped In

    Here’s how interstellar objects and rogue planets get trapped in our solar system

    Illustration of an interstellar object approaching the solar system. Credit: Rubin Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/J. DaSilva When ‘Oumuamua crossed the solar system in 2017, it was the first confirmed interstellar object (ISO). And in 2019, Comet 2l/Borisov did the same thing. These are the only ISOs confirmed to visit our solar system. There have been many more ISOs in our solar system’s long…

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  • PhysicsControlling Light While Measuring Trapped Ion Qubits

    Controlling light while measuring trapped ion qubits

    AQM characterization scheme. Credit: Nature Communications (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-50864-2 Quantum information is fragile and often difficult to protect during experiments. Protecting qubits from accidental measurements is essential for performing controlled quantum operations, especially when protocols such as quantum error correction involve measurements or resets that corrupt the state of neighboring qubits. Current methods for protecting atomic qubits from disturbances waste…

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