
  • EnvironmentGlobal Research Finds Dramatic Disparities Ongoing Towards The Sustainable Development

    Global research finds dramatic disparities ongoing towards the Sustainable Development Goals

    SDG space for 2022. Credit: Natural Communication (2025). doi:10.1038/s41467-025-56076-6 The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) constitute the major global framework for achieving human progress, economic prosperity and planetary health. The framework highlights issues such as public health, all education, gender equality, zero hunger, adoption of cleanliness and renewable energy, and conservation of biodiversity. However, despite this comprehensive agenda, questions remain as…

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  • ChemistryProtein Denaturation Offers A Path To More Sustainable 3d Printing

    Protein denaturation offers a path to more sustainable 3D printing of photoresins

    A biodegradable alternative to some commodity plastics. Credit: Andrew J. Boydston The majority of photoresins for 3D printing (also known as additive manufacturing or AM) and related technologies are toxic, non-biodegradable, and sourced from unsustainable sources. Non-traditional approaches to 3D printing offer a way to break through the traditional limitations of chemical methods that require unsustainable petroleum-based reagents and toxic…

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  • ChemistryCeramic Catalyst Uses Sodium And Boron To Drive Sustainable Industrial

    Ceramic catalyst uses sodium and boron to drive sustainable industrial reactions

    The polymer-derived ceramic method uses transition metal-free, sodium-doped, amorphous SiBN ceramics composed of silicon (Si), boron (B), and nitrogen (N) atoms for small molecule activation and catalysis. was adopted to design and synthesize. The distribution of sodium (Na+) and B sites within amorphous silicon nitride enhances the reactivity of both B and N sites, leading to the formation of frustrated…

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  • ChemistryA Cleaner Vision: Research Supporting Safe And Sustainable Foam

    A cleaner vision: Research supporting safe and sustainable foam

    Procter & Gamble scientists used ORNL’s Summit supercomputer to create a digital model of the corneal epithelium, the main outer layer of cells that coat the human eye, and then applied the model to a series of cleaning products. We tested it against the environment to find a gentler and more environmentally friendly formulation. Credit: Procter & Gamble Anyone who…

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  • PhysicsQuantum Breakthrough Could Lead To Sustainable Chiral Spintronics

    Quantum breakthrough could lead to sustainable chiral spintronics

    Rendering of the tilt of the relativistic Dirac cone in the bulk electronic band of a quasi-two-dimensional (2D) magnetic topological metalloid. This is achieved by hydrogen insertion, which generates a tunable low-dissipative chiral charge current. Credit: Krusin Institute A team of physicists led by Lia Krusin Erlbaum of the City University of New York has used hydrogen cations (H+) to…

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  • ChemistryRing Shaped Polymer Solidifies Into Glass, Offering Potential For Sustainable Materials

    Ring-shaped polymer solidifies into glass, offering potential for sustainable materials

    Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation snapshots of a single ring polymer conformation obtained from a dense melt with N = 1,600 for the four indicated values ​​of bending energy. Different colors indicate different parts of the same ring. Credit: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2024). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2403964121 When a spider spins a web, the thread starts out as a…

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  • ChemistryAdvances In Photochemical Hydroxylation Increase Possibilities For Sustainable Energy

    Advances in photochemical hydroxylation increase possibilities for sustainable energy

    Optimizing the potential gap between catalysts and photosensitizers and pH conditions can significantly improve water oxidation efficiency and advance renewable energy solutions. Provided by: Tokyo University of Science With the global transition to sustainable and renewable energy, the urgency of developing efficient ways to produce clean energy has never been greater. Imagine a future where the energy that powers our…

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  • EnvironmentRedefining Wealth And Embracing Innovation For A More Sustainable Future

    Redefining wealth and embracing innovation for a more sustainable future

    Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain As the global climate crisis intensifies, the need for innovative and scalable solutions becomes increasingly urgent. In a recent article published in Frontiers in Energy, Nobel Prize winner Dr. Stephen Chu of Stanford University and Qi Wang of the U.S.-China Green Energy Council discuss major technological advances and how societies are progressing. and outlines the urgent…

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  • ChemistryChemicals Important For Synthetic Rubber Production Can Be Electrosynthesized In

    Chemicals important for synthetic rubber production can be electrosynthesized in a sustainable way

    Illustration of the electrocatalytic conversion of acetylene (C2H2) to 1,3-butadiene (C4H6) over a copper catalyst. The process involves adsorption of acetylene molecules onto the catalyst surface, followed by hydrogenation and coupling of *C2H2 and *C2H3 intermediates to form 1,3-butadiene, which is subsequently desorbed. Credit: Nature Catalysis (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41929-024-01250-0 Chemists at the National University of Singapore (NUS) have developed a…

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  • EnvironmentMaking Australia's Growing Cities More Sustainable

    Making Australia’s growing cities more sustainable

    Peter Newton, James Whitten, Magnus Moglia, Stephen Glackin, The Conversation The way we organize our cities and regions creates problems everywhere. We face difficult and polluting car commuting, a lack of affordable housing, and urban design that creates car dependence and negatively impacts health. For example, lower levels of walkability are associated with higher rates of obesity, hypertension, and cardiovascular…

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