Physics decipher the structure of antimonal melting and explains the nature of observed structural abnormalities.
Graphical abstract. Credit: Journal of Molecular Liquids (2024). Doi: 10.1016/J.MOLLIQ.2024.126699 Antimon is widely used to produce materials for electronic devices, like metal alloys that are resistant to corrosion and high temperatures. “Antimon melt is interesting. Because near the melting point, the atoms of this melt can form a binding structure in a compact cluster or expansion chain, and can stay…
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Supranano engineering improves the strength and extension of structural materials
Characteristics evaluation of nanoparticles in SS alloys. Credit: Science (2025). Doi: 10.1126/Science.adr4917 The research team led by Hong Kong Castle University (CITYUHK) has demonstrated how Splanano Engineering can achieve the high strength and highness of bulk structural materials, based on the first research on spranano magnesium alloys. The discovery was published in Science magazine, titled “Extension of 2.6 GPA alloys…
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Structural analysis reveals how human eyelashes promote water excretion
Water droplets slide off the eyelashes. Credit: Professor Jiang’s Group Throughout human evolution, body and facial hair has decreased significantly, but eyelashes remain a distinctive feature. The physiological or functional purpose of eyelashes (traditionally thought to be to catch dust or filter air) has long been debated. However, a team of Chinese researchers recently discovered the characteristics of human eyelashes.…
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Important role of structural defects revealed in deformation of amorphous solids
Yellow and red areas in the image indicate structural defects, and white circles indicate particles damaged by external stress. These particles involved in the deformation process occur preferentially in regions containing structural defects. Credit: Dr. Vijayakumar Chikkadi’s Research Group Researchers from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune and CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory (NCL) Pune have shown that macroscopic…
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