Scientists design stable protein complexes for targeted cancer therapy
Credit: ACS Nano (2024). DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.4c09220 Auburn University researchers, in partnership with the University of Basel in Switzerland, have discovered a new way to make cancer-targeting protein complexes more stable, opening the door to better cancer treatments. . The study, led by Dr. Rafael Bernardi of Auburn University’s Department of Physics and Dr. Michael Nash of the Department of Chemistry…
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Flexible thermoelectric fibers for wearables maintain stable energy performance even in extreme environments
Schematic diagram and actual images of an all-inorganic flexible thermoelectric yarn made without the use of polymer additives. Credit: KAIST A team of South Korean researchers has developed a thermoelectric material that can be used in wearable devices such as smart clothing and maintains stable thermal energy performance even in extreme environments. This dramatically solved the long-standing problem in the…
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The discovery of a stable single-electron covalent bond between two carbon atoms substantiated a century-old theory.
Using an X-ray diffraction instrument to study sigma bonds. Photo courtesy of Yusuke Ishigaki A covalent bond is a bond in which two atoms join together by sharing a pair of electrons, forming the basic backbone of most organic compounds. In 1931, Nobel laureate Linus Pauling suggested that covalent bonds formed from a single unpaired electron could exist, but that…
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