Research warns that carbon dioxide rate of rise is ‘incompatible’ with 1.5℃ target
Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing at a rate that is incompatible with keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius (34.7 degrees Fahrenheit), a Japan Meteorological Agency study warns. Concentrations of major greenhouse gases rose in 2024 at the fastest annual level in a long-term record of measurements at Hawaii’s Mauna Loa, which dates back…
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California’s Salton Sea is retreating at a greater rate, according to balloon mapping study
Map of California’s Salton Sea North Shore region. This study shows coastline segments (transects) used in two different regions (North Yacht Club and South Yacht Club). Credit: Geography (2024). DOI: 10.3390/geography4040034 The Salton Sea, California’s largest lake by surface area, is experiencing an increased rate of shoreline retreat following policy changes to shift more water from the Colorado River to…
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Arctic plant research suggests rate of climate change threatens to outstrip species’ ability to adapt
Arctic Siberian Primrose. Credit: Annina Mattila A research group at the Finnish Museum of Natural History is investigating the adaptive capacity of plant species in a warming climate. Their recent research examines the Siberian primrose, a plant species that lives on the coasts of the Gulf of Bothnia and the Arctic Ocean. Climate change threatens the survival of species. The…
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