New protocol measures 5G radiation from phones and base stations
Boxplots and jitter plots displaying the distribution of measured total power flux density values ​​(mW/m2) stratified by microenvironment, usage scenario, and area. á´¼ represents the arithmetic mean, the horizontal line represents the median, and the box represents the interquartile range. Credit: Environmental Research (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2024.120550 A team of Project GOLIAT researchers has developed and applied a new protocol to…
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A new protocol for estimating Hamiltonian parameters in superconducting quantum processors could improve accuracy
Overview of experiments and identification algorithms. (a) The time evolution under the target Hamiltonian h0 is implemented on part of a Google Sycamore chip (gray) using the pulse sequence shown in the center. (b) The expected values ​​of the canonical coordinates xm and pm of each qubit m over time are estimated from measurements with different ψn as input states.…
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Security protocol leverages quantum mechanics to protect data from attackers during cloud-based computing
Optical implementation. Credit: arXiv (2024). DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2408.05629 Deep learning models are used in a variety of fields, from medical diagnostics to financial forecasting, but they are computationally intensive and require the use of powerful cloud-based servers. Reliance on cloud computing poses significant security risks, especially in sectors such as healthcare, where privacy concerns may make hospitals hesitant to use AI…
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