Other Sciences
This year’s Nobel Prize reveals problems in colonialism and economics
According to this year’s winners, Europeans settled in the poorest and least populated places and introduced institutions that contributed to long-term prosperity. Credit: Johan Jarnestad / Nobel Prize Support Activities Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson and James Robinson have been awarded the 2024 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for their seminal work on how institutions shape economic development. Some might say…
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Other Sciences
Nobel Prize in Economics: How colonial history explains why strong institutions are essential to a nation’s prosperity
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain This year’s Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics went to Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and James Robinson of the University of Chicago for their research into why there are such wide differences in prosperity between nations. In announcing the award, Jacob Svensson, chairman of the Economics Prize Committee, said: “Closing…
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Machine learning solves protein folding problem and wins 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
The 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry will be awarded to Demis Hassabis and John Jumper for using machine learning to tackle one of biology’s biggest challenges: predicting the 3D shape of proteins and designing them from scratch. , honored David Baker. This year’s awards were notable because they celebrated research originating from technology companies, namely DeepMind, an AI research startup…
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