New model can predict ocean heatwaves and extreme ocean acidity months in advance
Prediction skill of MHW, OAX(Ωa), OAX((H+)). Credit: Nature Geoscience (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41561-024-01593-0 In the 21st century, the Earth’s oceans are becoming warmer and more acidic. This change occurs slowly over the long term, but can also cause short-term local spikes. These events are like heat waves or days of poor air quality that we experience on land, but only under…
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AI can be used to predict river flows and warn of potential flooding, new study reveals
(a) Close-up of the Ottawa River between survey stations 02KF009 (CS upstream or CSU) and 02KF005 (CS downstream or CSD). (b) Extensive diagram of river networks, watershed boundaries, and outflow points. It shows how these watersheds flow into and connect with the Ottawa River. Credit: Hydrology (2024). DOI: 10.3390/Hydrology11090151 As recent floods in Spain and elsewhere have shown, any warning…
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Machine learning and supercomputer simulations predict interactions between gold nanoparticles and blood proteins
Cover image of Bioconjugate Chemistry October 2024 issue. Tunable ligand-protected gold as a drug delivery system with high affinity for integrin αvβ3, a key regulator of adhesion and signaling in various biological processes that play important roles in cancer. Showing nanoclusters. Progress. Credit: MarÃa Francisca Matus, University of Jyväskylä. Researchers at the Center for Nanoscience at the University of Jyväskylä…
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Space & Cosmos
Astronomers predict potentially dangerous comet’s trajectory from meteor shower
Illustration of a long-period comet and the Oort cloud. Credit: National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Comets have long been considered omens and omens, and it’s easy to understand why. They first appear as faint smears of light in the sky, sometimes quickly disappearing, sometimes brighter than the planets, and accompanied by long, glowing tails. Although they have been observed throughout…
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AI models predict diarrheal disease outbreaks related to climate change
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Extreme weather events related to climate change, such as massive floods and prolonged droughts, often cause dangerous outbreaks of diarrheal diseases, especially in developing countries, and diarrheal diseases are the third leading cause of death in young children. It becomes. A study published in Environmental Research Letters on October 22, 2024, by an international research team…
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Chemistry ChatGPT for new drugs: Researchers train AI to predict potential active ingredients
Three-dimensional structures of two target proteins, histone deacetylase 6 (blue) and tyrosine protein kinase JAK2 (red), and selective inhibitors of each enzyme. The central dual inhibitor is active against both targets. Prediction of compounds with predefined dual target activities is the task of chemical language models. Credit: Sanjana Srinivasan & Jürgen Bajorath Researchers at the University of Bonn have trained…
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Why are hurricanes like Milton in the US and cyclones in Australia becoming more intense and difficult to predict?
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Tropical cyclones, known as hurricanes and typhoons in other parts of the world, have recently caused significant damage in many places. The United States was just hit by Hurricane Milton less than two weeks after Hurricane Helen. Climate change may have exacerbated the effects. Tropical cyclone season (November to April) is approaching in Australia. The Japan…
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New Tool Helps Decision Makers Predict Colorado River’s Future
Water flowing through the Colorado River near Moab, Utah. Courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey. The Colorado River is a vital source of water for the western United States, providing drinking water to homes and irrigation water to farms in seven states, but the watershed is increasingly affected by climate change and drought. A new computational tool developed by a…
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Salmon-counting technicians predict grizzly bears
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain In the middle of the fast-flowing Chilkoot River, an Alaska state employee sits in a small spot on top of a narrow fence-like structure, peering at the rushing water. Eagles watch from the trees above as the river roars around nearby boulders, and the worker has his back turned to a female grizzly bear stalking him…
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