Physics decipher the structure of antimonal melting and explains the nature of observed structural abnormalities.
Graphical abstract. Credit: Journal of Molecular Liquids (2024). Doi: 10.1016/J.MOLLIQ.2024.126699 Antimon is widely used to produce materials for electronic devices, like metal alloys that are resistant to corrosion and high temperatures. “Antimon melt is interesting. Because near the melting point, the atoms of this melt can form a binding structure in a compact cluster or expansion chain, and can stay…
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Tunable nonlinear Hall effect observed in tellurium at room temperature.
Schematic structure of Te flakes and the performance of NLHE in Te devices. Credit: Prof. Zeng’s team The team discovered a remarkable nonlinear Hall effect and radio rectification effect at room temperature in the elemental semiconductor tellurium (Te). The study is published in Nature Communications. The Nonlinear Hall Effect (NLHE) is a second-order response to an applied alternating current (AC)…
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