Do you do noise or work on the system? Four ways to create real changes for nature
Credit: CC0 Public domain The ecosystem and species of nature have serious problems. The majority of Australians want more government actions, but they are not delivered. For example, consider the federal government commitment to end extinction through a positive plan of its nature. Alternatively, consider the promises of overhauling the environmental law in Australia and creating a new independent regulatory…
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Physics decipher the structure of antimonal melting and explains the nature of observed structural abnormalities.
Graphical abstract. Credit: Journal of Molecular Liquids (2024). Doi: 10.1016/J.MOLLIQ.2024.126699 Antimon is widely used to produce materials for electronic devices, like metal alloys that are resistant to corrosion and high temperatures. “Antimon melt is interesting. Because near the melting point, the atoms of this melt can form a binding structure in a compact cluster or expansion chain, and can stay…
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Utilizing nature to protect soybean roots
Comparison of anterior midgut ultrastructure of soybean cyst nematode (SCN) fed A (wild type) or B (GMB151 (Cry14Ab expressing) plants). In C. elegans fed GMB151, the intestinal lumen is enlarged in size and filled with fibrous material, a lysate from microvilli-like structures (MvLs) (Figures 5, 6, and 7). In GMB151 plant-feeding nematodes, loss of MvL cytoplasm due to rupture of…
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Research claims that all observables in nature can be measured by a single constant.
This diagram shows three events in Minkowski spacetime. Event šµ does not exist in the past or future of š“, š“ ~ šµ, and event š¶ does not exist in the past or future of šµ, šµ ~ š¶. Nevertheless, š¶ ā š“. Indeed, š¶ is in the future of š“: š¶ ā» š“. Credit: Scientific Reports (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-71907-0…
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Hydrogen’s dual nature helps reveal hidden catalytic processes
Credit: Nature Catalysis (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41929-024-01262-w Microorganisms have long used hydrogen as an energy source. To do this, they rely on hydrogenases that contain metals in their catalytic centers. In order to use these biocatalysts for hydrogen conversion, researchers are working to understand the catalytic process. A team from three Max Planck Institutes (MPI), the Center for Neurodegenerative Imaging (BIN)…
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What is a unit of nature? New framework highlights challenges for biodiversity credit market
Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Ecologists have devised a new framework for classifying how biodiversity credit operators define units of nature. New analysis shows the challenges involved in devising a biodiversity credit market to finance nature restoration, and the risks of over-reliance on ‘offsets’. Nature conservation faces an estimated $700 billion annual funding gap to halt and begin reversing global biodiversity…
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UN summit approves fund to share the benefits of sequenced genetic data from nature
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain On Saturday, the United Nations Summit on Nature in Colombia agreed to create a fund to share the benefits of genetic data sequenced digitally from animals and plants with the communities from which it originates. Such data, many of which come from species found in poor countries, are used particularly in medicines and cosmetics, and can…
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Open source footprint tools: businesses and investors can now get smarter about nature
Elana Kimbrel Global impact hotspots vary by ecosystem service and biodiversity indicators. Credit: Communications Earth & Environmental (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s43247-024-01797-7 Global economic development has brought many benefits to people around the world, but many of them have come at the expense of nature. However, governments, financial institutions, and businesses are increasingly recognizing that this paradigm undermines the long-term viability of…
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Environmental scientists say increasing access to nature in all everyday settings and education
People will use more green space if it is available throughout their everyday environment, not just where they live. Professor Yuta Uchiyama of Kobe University said, “These results can be used as evidence for policy making, especially in the fields of environmental management and urban planning, as there is a possibility of utilizing green spaces not only around residential areas…
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