Creating the perfect morsel of meat: Engineers develop metamaterial that mimics the structure of muscle and fat
Lamb chops – wood. Credit: Hebrew University In a new publication in Nature Communications, Israeli and Palestinian engineers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have pioneered the use of metamaterials to create whole meat. This effort leverages cutting-edge materials science to overcome the long-standing challenge of recreating the texture and structure of traditional meat while providing a scalable and cost-effective…
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Meat has a unique taste, texture, and aroma. Biochemist explains how plant-based alternatives mimic the real thing
Credit: CC0 Public Domain When you bite into a juicy hamburger, slice into a perfect medium-rare steak, or munch on a plateful of chicken nuggets, your senses are probably responding to the smell, taste, texture, and color of your food. For a long time, these four characteristics have distinguished meat from other food groups. But in recent years, food companies…
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Scientists challenge ‘misleading’ Dublin Declaration defending meat consumption
Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain The declaration, which has 1,000 signatories in support of meat consumption and industrial agricultural production, is being challenged by a group of scientists led by Dr Chris Bryant from the University of Bath. In a commentary in Nature Food, 12 scientists from research institutions around the world argue that the ‘Dublin Declaration’ focuses only on the…
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