Is AI making us stupid? Probably one of the world’s largest AI companies
Credit: Andrea Piacquadio of Pexels Most of us are just thinking about what we can do in our heads. Don’t reach for pen and paper, try dividing 16,951 by 67. Or a calculator. Try shopping weekly without a list on the back of last week’s receipt. Or on your phone. Are we making ourselves smarter or more foolish by relying…
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Other Sciences
The Eagles and Chiefs are already making economic winners for Philadelphia and Kansas City
Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Congratulations if you live in the Philadelphia or the Kansas City Metro area. The fact that your city has reached the Super Bowl will translate into an extra of about $200 in your pocket. that’s right. Both cities have won economic victories, whether the Philadelphia Eagles or Kansas City Chiefs won the big game on February…
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The long-billed sandpiper could become extinct, making it the third bird species to disappear from the Western Palearctic region.
10, with yellow intensity increasing as the number of specimens increases and blue intensity increasing as the number of records increases. will also increase. If both numbers are high, they are shown in dark blue. The dotted line indicates the widest possible breeding area according to Buchanan et al. (2018), black dots indicate breeding areas identified by Ushakov (1912). Credit:…
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Q&A: Making continuous crystal structure analysis more accessible in the field
Schematic diagram of the field experiment setup for ID23-2 with MD3-Up installed with PM and loaded with CD plate. We also demonstrate the fast switch from a conventional minikappa goniometer head to an in situ setup (diagram of the diffractometer was provided by Arinax, Moyran, France). Credit: IUCrJ (2024). DOI: 10.1107/S2052252524005785 Scientists at EMBL Grenoble and the European Synchrotron Radiation…
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Making Australia’s growing cities more sustainable
Peter Newton, James Whitten, Magnus Moglia, Stephen Glackin, The Conversation The way we organize our cities and regions creates problems everywhere. We face difficult and polluting car commuting, a lack of affordable housing, and urban design that creates car dependence and negatively impacts health. For example, lower levels of walkability are associated with higher rates of obesity, hypertension, and cardiovascular…
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Valencia floods: warming climate is making once rare weather more common and more destructive, researchers say
In recent days, a seasonal weather system known in Spain as a “cold drop” or DANA (an acronym for “depresión aislada en niveles altos”: isolated cyclone at high level) has been causing heavy rain and flooding across Spain’s Mediterranean coast. causing flooding in Andalusia, especially in the Valencia region, Castile-La Mancha and the Balearic Islands. The storm left hundreds of…
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Other Sciences
Knife images aimed at deterring youth from knife crime may actually be making things worse
Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain It’s no wonder that young people are behind most knife crime in the UK. Media coverage often focuses on the involvement of young people, and the government’s plans to halve knife crime are particularly focused on young people and vulnerable teenagers. Evidence shows that most knife crime takes place between adults in the home, in the…
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Making Darwin’s finches sing can help establish connections between environmental changes and the emergence of new species
The beak of Darwin’s intermediate finch can evolve to crush hard seed shells. Credit: Andrew Hendry They say “hindsight is 20/20,” but ecological speciation theory (the theory that new species emerge in response to ecological change) seems to hold true in hindsight. Until now, it has been difficult to prove this experimentally. In a study published in the journal Science,…
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