One person killed in Ecuador, ports closed in Peru due to huge waves
Huge waves are crashing onto the coasts of Ecuador and Peru. Huge waves of up to 13 feet (4 meters) pounded the coasts of Ecuador and Peru, closing numerous ports and killing at least one person on Saturday, authorities said. Piers and public squares were submerged in some parts of Peru, and residents were evacuated to higher ground, footage from…
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Tiny particles, huge potential: Scientists discover new type of quasiparticle present in all magnetic materials
Quasiparticle-mediated dynamics in AFM and FM honeycomb lattices of contracted nanoscale elements. Credit: Physical Review Research (2024). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.6.043144 Researchers recently made a breakthrough discovery at the nanoscale. It is a new type of quasiparticle that is present in all magnetic materials, regardless of strength or temperature. These new properties challenge what researchers previously knew about magnetism and show that…
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