
  • BiologyFossils Show Gum Trees That Have Been Tracked For Millions

    Fossils show gum trees that have been tracked for millions of years

    The injury of the fossil eucalyptus insect mines from the Lagunadel Hanko on the left matches the center and the mining mining of modern eucalyptus samples in Australia on the right. Credit: L. Alejandro Giraldo How long do insects eat leaves eat their favorite food? According to Pennsylvania researchers, perhaps the opposite of the world has found insects on fossil…

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  • Space & CosmosFossils In Rocks Frozen In Time Hint At Ancient Climate

    Fossils in rocks frozen in time hint at ancient climate on Mars

    An ancient giant ripple imaged by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment on Terra Sirenum, Mars, has consistent wavefront wavelengths, numerous cracks and craters, and may be partially covered by ancient lava flows. Courtesy of NASA/JPL/University of Arizona. Long ago, wind and water currents shaped Mars’ soft sands and sediments into dunes, ripples, and other landform patterns called bedforms. Over…

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