Deciphering the source and formation mechanism of haze using coal combustion experiments and sulfur isotopes
Sulfur isotope composition of pyrite in coal samples and sulfates produced by coal combustion. (Image from USTC). Credit: Yanan Shen et al. A research team led by Professor Shen Yan’an of the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) has made significant progress in studying the sources and formation mechanisms of haze. Through coal combustion experiments and high-precision sulfur…
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Researchers discover the role of absorbent aerosols in winter fog formation
(A) Average BC and POA concentration profiles with error shadows in FBASE and (B) temperature by AARI as a function of near-surface (PM2.5) in NCP from December 5 to March 6, 2015. Vertical distribution of changes 2016. The dashed line in B represents the PBLH of FBASE. The red line with error bars shows the vertical profile of daytime BC…
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Space & Cosmos
Discovery of distant blazars supports rapid black hole formation in the early universe
Artist’s impression of a bright, very early active galactic nucleus discovered by Bañados and his colleagues. This has fundamental implications for the growth of black holes during the first billions of years of cosmic history. Credit: NSF/AUI/NSF NRAO/B. Saxton Astronomers have discovered a key piece of the puzzle of how supermassive black holes were able to grow so quickly in…
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Space & Cosmos
ALMA observes dusty sites of planet formation
Pseudo-color composite image of PDS 70. The left panel shows the previous ALMA observation at 0.87 mm, and the right panel shows the new ALMA observation at 3 mm. The composite image is a combination of millimeter/submillimeter continuum images from ALMA (red), infrared continuum images from WM Keck Observatory (green), and optical images of hydrogen emission lines taken by VLT…
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Study finds that calcium reduces CO₂ emissions from Arctic soil through mineral formation
Written by Leibniz Zentrum Far Agralandschaftforschung (ZALF) eV Graphical summary. Credit: Environmental Science and Technology (2024). DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.4c07496 In a new study, researchers found that increasing calcium content in soil significantly reduces CO2 emissions. 50% in calcium-poor soils and 57% in calcium-rich soils. The reason is that calcium promotes the formation of the aragonite mineral, which binds CO2 and prevents…
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Researchers observe nanoscale water formation in real time
Water bubbles coming out of palladium nanocubes. Observed with a transmission electron microscope. Scale bar corresponds to 50 nanometers. Credit: Vinayak Dravid/Northwestern University For the first time, researchers have witnessed hydrogen and oxygen atoms combining to form tiny nano-sized water bubbles in real time and on a molecular scale. The incident occurred as part of a new study at Northwestern…
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Space & Cosmos
Ryugu samples cast doubt on previous ideas about the formation of carbon-rich asteroids
About 2 million years after the formation of the solar system, the first carbonaceous chondrites, consisting of dust, chondrules, early condensates, and iron-nickel particles, aggregated outside the orbit of the still young Jupiter. About 2 million years later, CI chondrites were formed by photoevaporation. These incorporated particularly large amounts of iron-nickel particles. Credit: MPS (Fridolin Spitzer) Asteroid Ryugu may not…
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Space & Cosmos
New cosmic distance catalogue may shed light on mysteries of the universe’s formation
The William Herschel Telescope, La Palma, Spain. Courtesy of the PAUS team. A new catalog was published today that provides information on millions of distant galaxies, determining their distances with unprecedented precision, across fields and depths never before explored. The catalogue is the product of the Accelerated Astrophysics Survey (PAUS), an international collaboration project led by the Institute for Space…
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