Satellite measurements significantly improve ocean floor maps
Using satellite altimetry data from SWOT, scientists created a global map of ocean gravity and discovered thousands of new seamounts. (Etvös is a unit that measures the ocean’s vertical gravity gradient.) Credit: Yao Yu et al, Science (2024). DOI: 10.1126/science.ads4472 The Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission instrument has enabled the clearest satellite-generated ocean floor map to date, according to…
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Biological wonders of the ocean floor are being mined to make commercial products – here are the risks
Deep-sea shrimp live in the dark, deep waters of the Pacific Ocean. Credit: NOAA Thousands of genes from deep sea marine life are being used to create new products ranging from medicines to cosmetics. Genes are segments of DNA that provide instructions for making other molecules essential to the structure and function of living organisms. A paper we recently published…
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