Unraveling the physics behind severe flash flooding in Indonesia’s new capital
(Left) A devastating flash flood occurred in Indonesia’s new capital Nusantara (IKN) on March 16, 2022. (Right) Mesoscale convective system (MCS) structure during the event illustrated using brightness temperature data from the Himawari-8 satellite. Credit: Eddie Hermawan Since the establishment of Indonesia’s new capital Nusantara (IKN), extreme hydroclimate has emerged as a serious environmental issue. One of the most notable…
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AI can be used to predict river flows and warn of potential flooding, new study reveals
(a) Close-up of the Ottawa River between survey stations 02KF009 (CS upstream or CSU) and 02KF005 (CS downstream or CSD). (b) Extensive diagram of river networks, watershed boundaries, and outflow points. It shows how these watersheds flow into and connect with the Ottawa River. Credit: Hydrology (2024). DOI: 10.3390/Hydrology11090151 As recent floods in Spain and elsewhere have shown, any warning…
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5 surprising ways trees prevent flooding
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain When you think of flood protection, you might imagine giant concrete dams, embankments, or glistening dams on the River Thames. But some of the most powerful tools for reducing flood risk are by far the more natural and widely recognized forests and green spaces. Trees provide more than beauty and oxygen. Learn how trees protect us…
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Storm Helen causes flooding across southeastern U.S., killing 100 people
People wait in line to buy gas in the aftermath of Hurricane Helen in Fletcher, North Carolina, on September 29, 2024. At least 100 people have been killed in devastating floods across the southeastern United States, officials said Monday, and emergency response efforts are quickly becoming a political football in a region that could decide the presidential election. Rescue efforts…
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