
  • NanotechnologyScientists Develop Nanobody Inhibitor To Target Deadly Ebola Virus

    Scientists develop nanobody inhibitor to target deadly Ebola virus

    Structural basis of anti-EBOV function of Nanosota-EB1. (A) Cryo-EM structure of EBOV GP-ΔM in complex with Nanosota-EB1 (top view, surface view). The three subunits of EBOV GP-ΔM are colored orange, gray, and green, respectively. Nanosota-EB1 is shown in blue. Two Nanosota-EB1 molecules are bound to the trimeric GP-ΔM. (B) Cryo-EM structure (side view) of EBOV GP-ΔM in complex with Nanosota-EB1.…

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  • BiologyStudy Tracing The Path Of Ebola To The Skin Surface

    Study tracing the path of Ebola to the skin surface

    Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Ebola is a deadly bleeding disease caused by a virus that is endemic in parts of East and West Africa. Most people know that the main route of human-to-human transmission is through contact with the body fluids of an infected person. However, in more recent outbreaks, such as the 2013-2016 Ebola outbreak in West Africa, infectious…

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