Research has shown that vulnerable communities are facing the dangers of complex environments.
Serious danger accumulation in a very social vulnerable census. Credit: Environmental survey letter (2024). Doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/AD9EC7 Environmental disasters have confused the life of the entire region and are on the same burden of communities that are already facing social and economic difficulties. Extreme events, such as floods caused by Tennessee and Hurricane Helen in North Carolina, indicate this phenomenon in…
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Other Sciences
The new essay warns the dangers of non -literacy in measurements
Credit: UNSPLASH/CC0 Public domain Arthur Paul Pedsen is a teacher of CUNY REMOTE SENSTEMS (CREST) ​​Systems (CREST) ​​by New York’s City College of Engineering The main author is. The essay, published in the National Science Academy Journal of Proceedings, warns the dangerous meaning of non -literary measurements in modern scientific discourse and promotes a wide range of efforts to reform…
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Potted olive snakes are ‘tip of the iceberg’ of ornamental plant trade dangers, researchers say
Ornamental olive trees imported for sale in the UK, some of which are over 100 years old, have plenty of hiding places between their finicky bark and soil during transport. This is very dangerous in terms of importing pests. Credit: Silviu Petrovan/University of Cambridge Continental snakes, geckos and Italian wall lizards have migrated unnoticed to northern Europe, along with ornamental…
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