Space & Cosmos
Two clusters of dark comets in our solar system could tell researchers where Earth’s oceans are located
Dark comets fly through space, but unlike comets, they do not have dust tails. Credit: Adina Feinstein and NASA Earth Observatory The water that makes up the oceans served as an important element for the development of life on Earth. But scientists still don’t know where the water on Earth comes from in the first place. One leading idea is…
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Space & Cosmos
Astronomers discover more dark comets
This artist’s concept shows the interstellar object 1I/2017 U1 (Oumuamua) discovered in 2017. Although not a dark comet per se, ‘Oumuamua’s movement through the solar system has helped researchers better understand the nature of the 14 dark comets discovered so far. Credit: European Southern Observatory / M. Kornmesser The first dark comet (an object that looks like an asteroid but…
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Space & Cosmos
Astronomers predict potentially dangerous comet’s trajectory from meteor shower
Illustration of a long-period comet and the Oort cloud. Credit: National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Comets have long been considered omens and omens, and it’s easy to understand why. They first appear as faint smears of light in the sky, sometimes quickly disappearing, sometimes brighter than the planets, and accompanied by long, glowing tails. Although they have been observed throughout…
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