Other Sciences
Saturday Quote: Everything that glitters is plastic. It awakened the diversity of trees. the gravity basin in which we live
A data visualization of the movement of galaxies within structures called gravitational basins. The Milky Way is a red dot. Credit: University of Hawaii This week, astronomers considered whether dark energy changes over cosmic time scales. Through neutron analysis, physicists have revealed that some early Iron Age swords have recently been altered by fraudsters to make them more historically exciting.…
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Road networks stretching into the forests of the Congo Basin: satellites and AI help monitor
Road development in the Congo Basin forests over the past five years. Credit: Remote Sensing of Environment (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2024.114380 The Congo Basin rainforests are the second largest tropical forests in the world, store large amounts of carbon and host high levels of biodiversity. Historically these forests have remained largely intact, but more recently road development has posed a significant…
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