Scientists will advance to produce abundant singga from biomass gas.
The leafy NI/CA3ALO catalyst is used for biomass gas and achieves high stability hydrogen production. Credit: Yin Jiao The production of hydrogen from biomass is gaining attention, and thermal methods have emerged as the most widely adopted approach. Among these, steam gasization stands out as a particularly promising method for producing H2 rich Singa. However, the main challenge related to…
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Record-low Antarctic sea ice can be explained by wind patterns and predicted months in advance
Sea ice off the coast of West Antarctica photographed from a research vessel in October 2018. A new study explains and predicts the recent decline in winter sea ice around Antarctica. Credit: Hannah Dawson/University of Washington Amid all the changes in Earth’s climate, the stormy Southern Ocean sea ice surrounding Antarctica has long been a strange exception. Despite rising global…
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New model can predict ocean heatwaves and extreme ocean acidity months in advance
Prediction skill of MHW, OAX(Ωa), OAX((H+)). Credit: Nature Geoscience (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41561-024-01593-0 In the 21st century, the Earth’s oceans are becoming warmer and more acidic. This change occurs slowly over the long term, but can also cause short-term local spikes. These events are like heat waves or days of poor air quality that we experience on land, but only under…
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Space & Cosmos
X-rays advance understanding of Earth’s core-mantle boundary and super-Earth magma oceans
Schematic diagram of the experimental setup available at the MEC end station. Four epiX 10k detectors cover the Q range from 15 to 106 nm-1 with an X-ray beam energy of 17 keV. The complete signal can be reconstructed by stitching together the diffuse scattering recorded by each detector. Credit: Nature Communications (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-51796-7 Researchers at the Department of…
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Waterless manufacturing approach could help advance integration of 2D electronics
These materials are made from molybdenum disulfide, a two-dimensional semiconductor, grown on the surface of sapphire. The triangles align because a specialized process called epitaxy allows the material to grow in a pattern that follows the surface it’s grown on. Insulating layers, such as amorphous boron nitride, are added during the manufacturing process of these ultra-thin materials that will be…
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