Supranano engineering improves the strength and extension of structural materials

Characteristics evaluation of nanoparticles in SS alloys. Credit: Science (2025). Doi: 10.1126/Science.adr4917
The research team led by Hong Kong Castle University (CITYUHK) has demonstrated how Splanano Engineering can achieve the high strength and highness of bulk structural materials, based on the first research on spranano magnesium alloys.
The discovery was published in Science magazine, titled “Extension of 2.6 GPA alloys by short -range order and super nano analysis”.
The ultimate problem that CITYUHK -led teams are trying to solve is that Professor Lu Jian, Dean of CITYUHK Engineering, stated that it is related to the strength and extension of materials made of metals such as steel and titanium.
“If you want to create more powerful and high -priced materials, you need to avoid the production of alloys, which inevitably decrease in strain -curing abilities over time,” Lou said.
The unique approach adopted by Professor LU’s team succeeded in controlling the arrangement and design of the crystal grains of the fine particle alloy under the super -nano -level, 10 nanometers or less.
“We have been working on magnesium alloys before, but this project uses a multi -component blend of metal for synthesis,” explains Lou and three joint research under his team. He added that the group also included his former doctorate. Students and doctoral researchers conducting research on super nano two -phase structure. They are currently professors and research leaders at Xi’an Traffic University.
They use the super -nano order to promote continuously increasing fluid stress, until the intensity of 2.6 gigapascal (GPA) and the remarkable 10% strain are destroyed. Is discovered.
“The surrender intensity of the fine particle alloy of the nano structure is usually less than 1.5 to 2 GPA,” he said.
In essence, CITYUHK -led teams have discovered that the super -nano order has a more powerful pin stop effect on the convergence and laminated defects (SF). As a result, the movements of the dislocation and the SF move are slowed, the interaction and the possibility of intersection with other movable dislocations are increased, and the growth and accumulation of these defects are promoted at the time of load.
“Because the super -nano order accompanied by a record is distributed uniformly inside the particles, the distribution of the generated defects is uniform, which relieves the localization of strain, and is complicated and complementary to each other. The high -distortion curing rate and great growth are promoted, “said Lou.
By fine -tuning these super -nano engineering technology, the strength and extension of various materials are further strengthened, aerospace, cars, 3C (computers, communication, household electrical appliances) industries, and ultra -powerful alloys. It leads to a wide range of applications such as.
Detailed information: Yong-Qiang Yan, etc. Extension of 2.6 GPA alloy by short-range order and super nano analysis (2025). Doi: 10.1126/Science.adr4917
Provided by Hong Kong Castle City University
Quoted: Improves the strength and extension of the structural material by Supranano engineering (January 24, 2025) Supranano-trength-trength-ductility-materials.html January 26, 2025 Acquired on a day
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