Study of basic training for new police recruitment indicates resistance to changes.

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For the past 60 years, US police officers have excessively used citizens and racial targets, and concerns about the deterioration of the relationship between the police and the color community are to change the focus of the basic training of police officers. I spurred the call. However, research suggests that most of the proposed recommendations are rooted.
In a new panel survey, researchers have evaluated the basic training of hundreds of US police in the academy of new police. The study emphasized the continuity of the necessary training time and the implicit distribution of the total training time in the center area of the police and criminal combat, and emphasized the strong non -compromise on site.
This research was conducted by researchers at the University of Alabama University (UAB) and the University of Central Florida (UCF). It is published in criminal science and public policy.
“We are the basic training of the police, taking into account the continuous emphasis of continuous emphasis on the continuous emphasis of the traditional” warrior “aspects of the” Guardian “, such as community partnerships. I found a long -term resistance evidence of long -term resistance, “said John Slone and Emeritus Professor John Slone. UAB criminal justice co -authored research.
“These survey results have been combined with the qualitative analysis of recent police training, and have been working to change their occupations to change what new police officers have learned during basic training. It suggests that it has failed. “
Despite concerns about the content of the basic training of police Academy by the national level committee, scholars, and practitioners, this study has been in multiple police Academy of police since the 1980s. This is the first research that investigated the content. Based on the community -oriented, September 11 or evidence.
Using secondary data from 421 police Academy’s census, which was continuously operated between 2002 and 2018, this survey shows the basic law execution training for new police recruitment. We evaluated continuity and changes in six core areas.
Operation: First aid/CPR, computer and information system, operation, investigation, patrol procedure of emergency vehicles), weapons/defense tactics (non -lethal weapons, self -defense tactics, firearm skills), legal training (procedure for boy/boy justice , Penal Code, Constitutional Law), Self -improvement: stress prevention and management, ethics and honesty, acquisition of foreign languages, health and fitness, community -oriented polishing: mediation and dispute management, cultural diversity, and cultural diversity, Special topic: hatred crimes and prejudice crimes, domestic preparations and terrorism, domestic violence.
In this study, we have shown a total of the basic law execution training, including the core curriculum training of the required time, in total. Furthermore, the priority of the instruction has not changed relatively in six regions. Finally, the average time assigned to each core curriculum topic was greatly different in each of the six core training areas.
Police strategy, weapons, and defense tactics were the largest assignment of academy training time, but the time spent on legal training has decreased. In addition, training, dedicated to special topics that became important in the past half a century, received more than half a week on average. The lowest time of training was dedicated to community -oriented polishing.
“Our survey results will strengthen the idea that the” warrior’s content “in the academy training is given priority over training that supports the role of police officers,” said UCF criminal judges who co -written research. Professor Eugene Paolin suggests.
“The recruiters, the academy administrators, instructors, and the leaders of the agency must take measures for the recruitment of the police and the basic training for complete and comprehensive directions. There are few needs to use tools, “says Matnowbrez, a UCF criminal judicial professor who co -authored research.
The authors are able to achieve these goals, and the authors have reduced the total time to concentrate on the selected operations, weapons, defense tactics, and related topics, and are a guardian -related topic. He says that the total number of training can be increased proportionally (for example, interpersonal communication, dispute management, escalation, cultural diversity, community partnership).
In their limits, the author pointed out that they did not evaluate the specific content of training, and that their data indicated a self -report survey, and they potential fluctuations in curriculum training. It did not take into account the causes (for example, a partner enforcement organization, educational institution, or local place with different academies).
Details: John J. Sloan et Al, the more they change, the more they will remain the same: Police Academy’s training curriculum, criminal science and public policy (2025). Doi: 10.1111/1745-9133.12691
Provided by the American Criminal Society
Quotation: New police recruitment training studies that the change acquired from on January 28, 2025 (2025, January 28) is shown.
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