
Space for advanced radio telescope technology “Sifts” mystery

Wajari’s artist, Judith Anal, has drawn a fast radio burst to celebrate CSIRO’s ASKAP RADIO telescope in the Wajari country as part of a series entrusted by CSIRO. Credit: Judith Anari, Craft, 2019

In the first technology developed by Australia, a mysterious object was detected by sifting signals from the beach sand, such as the sand of the beach.

CSIRO astronomers and engineers, an Australian national science agency, have developed a specialized system for ASKAP radio telescopes to quickly detect mysterious high -speed radio bursts and other cosmic phenomena.

This new technology is currently being tested by a researcher led by Curtin University Nodes of the International Radio Astronomical Center (ICRAR) in West Australia.

The results published in the Australian Astronomical Association’s publications show two high -speed wireless bursts and two sporadic disciplined neutral stars and improving the location data of the four pulsors with new technology. Masu. Since then, they have been finding more than 20 high -speed radio bursts.

Dr. Andy Wang of ICRAR, who led a research group and tested CraCo, said that the team had found more astronomical objects than expected.

Dr. Andy Wang explains his discovery while outsourcing CSIRO’s Craco instrument. Credit: iCrar

“We focused on finding a fast wireless burst, a mysterious phenomenon that opened a new research field in astronomy.

“CRACO can find these bursts better than ever. We have been searching for 100 bursts per second. In the future, it will increase to 1,000 times per second. I am expecting Dr. Wang.

CSIRO Astronomer and Engineer Dr. Keith Banister says he has developed musical instruments with his team, and says that the size of the new technology is enormous.

Space for Australian innovation

CSIRO’s Askap Radio Telescope is composed of 36 dishes spreading at 6 km in WAJARRI. Credit: Alex Cherney/CSIRO

“Krako hits the” live “view of ASKAP in search of a high -speed wireless burst.

“To do this, scan a huge amount of data (processing 100 billion pixels per second) to detect and identify the position of the burst.

“This is equivalent to sifting the entire sand beach and finding one 5 -cent coin per minute,” said Dr. Vanista.

CRACO is composed of computers and accelerator clusters connected to askap Radio Telescope of INYARRIMANHA ILGARI BUNDARA, a CSIRO Murchison Radio-Artronomy astronomy. With the development of this technology, Australia will strengthen international reputation as a leader in radio astronomy engineering and research.

Space for Australian innovation

An example of Galaxy hosting high -speed wireless bursts identified by the Craco system. Credit: Craft collaboration, Eunning One

“Once you do your best, Craco will be an international astronomical game changer,” said Wang.

CRACO is designed to sifts the several trillion pixels received by the Telescope, finds abnormalities, warns researchers the moment you find ordinary things, and follow up immediately to follow up. You can get data and complete your own analysis.

Dr. King and his team have expanded Krakako’s research goals to find more exotic sources.

“We also detect long -term transient phenomena that remains a mysterious object in the galaxy. In Australia, both fast wireless bursts and these transgers were first discovered, this impressive technology. It is wonderful to continue the discovery.

CRACO will be used by astronomers around the world as part of CSIRO’s Australian Terescope National Facilities.

Details: Z. Wang et al, The Craft Coherent (CraCo) Upgrade I: Published by the Australian Astronomical Society (2025) as a result of the system description and 110 MS radio temporary pilot survey. Doi: 10.1017/PASA.2024.107

Provided by the International Radio Astronomy Research Center (ICRAR)

Quotation: Advanced Wireless Telescope Technology Space for Mystery (January 27, 2025) January 27, 2025 Acquired from .html

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