
Simulation matches the dynamics of Skill Mion to real -time experiments

Magnetic optical microscope image of Skymion, a dark spot marked by the blue circle of magnetic material. A spatial decomposed pin -fast potential that determines the special occurrence probability of Skyrmion is shown. This is uneven for material defects. The interpolation of the high resolution of the simulation and experiments, and the experimental results high resolution is shown around the microscope image. Credit: Ill ./: Maarten A. BREMS & TOBIAS SPARMANNN

Skyimion is a micrometer -sized magnetic whirlpool from nanometor, indicating particles, and can be moved efficiently by current. With these properties, Skyrmions will be a new type of data storage or computer. However, optimization of such devices is usually too high to simulate the complex internal structure of skilled mions.

One of the possible approaches is an efficient simulation as a particles of these magnetic spin structures, as well as the simulation of molecular in biology. However, there was no conversion between the simulation time and the experimental real -time.

Collaboration between theory and experiment

To deal with this issue, Professor Peter Vilnau’s theoretical physics group and Professor Matthias Creii’s experimental physics group of Professor Matthias Creii of Johannes Gutenberg University have worked together. The method of determining time conversion combines experimental measurement technology and analysis of statistical physics.

This study is published in Journal Physical Review Letters.

“Now, not only can we quantitatively predict the skimmion dynamics, but also the simulation is similar to experiments and speed,” said Marten A. Blems, a theoretical physicist who developed this method.

“The new simulation predictive power will greatly accelerate the development of Skyrmion -based applications,” said Professor Mathiaskläui, especially the novel energy -saving computer architecture, which is particularly focused on JGU’s top -level research areas. “Topdynx and topology, especially”. “

Details: MAARTEN A. BREMS ET Al, quantitative particle modeling of Skyrmion dynamics in any potential, physical review letter (2025). Doi: 10.1103/Physrevlett.134.046701

Provided by Mainz UNIVERSITAET

Quotation: Simulation is a real-time experiment obtained from January 30, 2025: https:/2025-01-SIMURMIGNS-SKYRMIGS Real.html on January 30, 2025 (January 30, 2025) and Skyrmion. Dynamics will be aligned (January 30, 2025)

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