
Researchers use nanotechnology to enhance benefits of anthocyanins

Nanoparticles containing anthocyanins. Credit: João Paulo Fabi

An article published in Food Research International found that nanoencapsulated anthocyanins pass through the digestive system without being broken down, are efficiently absorbed, and reach more organs and tissues than non-encapsulated anthocyanins. This article describes research that shows that this is achieved and the benefits to the organism increase.

Anthocyanins are pigments found in most species in the plant kingdom and are responsible for the red, purple, and blue colors of many flowers, fruits (such as blackberries, strawberries, and grapes), and vegetables (such as purple cabbage). Masu.

They have been widely studied and valued for their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties that help protect against a variety of diseases. Therefore, they offer great potential for inclusion in novel pharmaceutical formulations, nutraceuticals and foods, both as fortification and natural colorants.

However, their bioavailability is limited because they are very sensitive to environmental conditions such as pH, temperature, light, and oxygen, and are rapidly degraded in the gastrointestinal tract by the action of digestive enzymes and intestinal microflora. I am.

“Several previous studies have shown that when anthocyanins are taken orally, only small amounts are absorbed and remain in the body for only a very short time,” the paper says. said Tiekla KO Rosales, lead author and researcher at the Ministry of Food. Experimental Nutrition at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of São Paulo (FCF-USP), Brazil.

Researchers use nanotechnology to enhance the benefits of anthocyanins

Nanoparticles photographed with a scanning electron microscope. Credit: João Paulo Fabi

Therefore, this study focused on evaluating the use of nanotechnology to improve the bioavailability of anthocyanins and ensure their delivery to target organs and tissues.

“Thanks to the joint efforts of researchers at FCF-USP and the collaboration of colleagues from other institutions in Brazil and abroad, we have been able to develop the nano-covered enzyme (enzyme isolated from “We found that anthocyanins are encapsulated in particles (egg white) that form a mesh that protects the compounds,” said João Paulo Fabi, last author of the paper and professor at FCF-USP. said.

The researchers first extracted and purified anthocyanins from blackberries. They then developed a method to radiolabel anthocyanins through a stable chemical reaction. This part of the project was carried out in collaboration with scientists from the Institute of Nuclear Energy (IPEN), a division of the Brazilian government. Radioactive labeling involves replacing a carbon atom with a carbon isotope, which allows the molecule of interest to be more easily tracked by imaging equipment.

The anthocyanins were then encapsulated and administered orally to mice. The researchers used computed tomography to determine the biodistribution of nanoencapsulated anthocyanins in mice compared to free anthocyanins, including release from the gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream and delivery to specific tissues after absorption. Bioavailability was analyzed.

The results showed that the anthocyanin-encapsulated nanostructures moved slowly through the gastrointestinal tract and remained in the body for a significant period of time. Absorption was efficient and reached the target tissue. For unencapsulated anthocyanins, absorption was poor and biodistribution was limited, with a relatively short in vivo time and rapid excretion.

Researchers use nanotechnology to enhance benefits of anthocyanins

CT scan of a mouse showing free anthocyanin (left) and nanoencapsulated anthocyanin (right). Credit: João Paulo Fabi

“We also used a computerized model to help us understand how the substances present in the nanostructures are released from the gastrointestinal tract in response to physiological stimuli,” Rosales said. said.

In vitro cell tests were conducted to verify the safety of the nanoparticles. The results were satisfactory and confirmed by in vivo studies in mice.

Although this study yielded groundbreaking and highly promising findings that serve as a sound foundation for further research in this field, there are still important steps to take to apply this nanoformulation to clinical practice. you need to step on it.

“We are currently conducting new in vitro studies to verify the efficacy of encapsulated anthocyanins in specific situations. We are also investigating the biological effects of anthocyanins on specific diseases.” said Fabi.

These upcoming studies will validate the potential of nanostructures for oral administration and are critical for the development of supplements by the pharmaceutical and food industries, ensuring that bioactive compounds with therapeutic potential are efficiently and effectively delivered. We guarantee safe and accurate delivery.

“We continue to contribute to this field of research as we develop our technology and look forward to publishing new results soon. We are also investigating the possibility of production on an industrial scale.” said Fabi.

Further information: Thiécla Katiane Osvaldt Rosales et al., Study on increasing oral bioavailability and biodistribution of radiolabeled anthocyanins by nanoencapsulation, Food Research International (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2024.115125

Citation: Researchers use nanotechnology to boost benefits of anthocyanins (November 14, 2024) from 2024 Retrieved November 14,

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