
Research reveals that small milk fat globules promote the growth of beneficial bacteria

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New research reveals interesting insights into the complex relationship between milk fat globules and bacteria. The study, published in Food Chemistry, investigated how the structural properties of these microscopic lipid droplets influence their interactions with both beneficial and harmful bacteria, promoting health and Shedding light on milk’s natural mechanisms to protect against pathogens.

The study was led by Nurit Argov Argaman, a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Robert H. Smith School of Agriculture, Food and the Environment, in collaboration with researchers from the Agricultural Research Organization.

Milk fat globules secreted by mammary epithelial cells have long been recognized for their role in the provision of essential nutrients. This new study takes a closer look at not only its chemical composition, but also how its structure shapes its interactions with bacteria.

In this study, we examined mammary epithelial cells and milk fat globules obtained from raw milk to determine their effects on bacterial growth and biofilm formation. Remarkably, the size of the globules emerged as a determining factor. Small milk fat globules promoted the growth of the commensal bacterium Bacillus subtilis, whereas large milk fat globules led to biofilm formation, a behavior often associated with bacterial resilience and adaptation.

These findings were supported by metabolomic profiling of bacterial secretions, which confirmed the differential metabolic responses of bacteria to milk fat globules of various sizes from both sources (raw milk and mammary cell secretions).

Interestingly, changes in the size of milk fat globules do not affect the behavior of Escherichia coli, a common pathogenic bacterium, highlighting the specificity of the interaction. Furthermore, a synthetic lipid mixture that mimicked the chemical composition of small milk fat globules failed to stimulate bacterial growth, highlighting the important role of structural properties over mere chemical composition.

This study concluded that the unique structure of milk fat globules plays a central role in regulating interactions with bacteria. The results will be used to further investigate whether this structure could be exploited to give beneficial bacteria a competitive advantage and increase the safety and health properties of dairy products and other foods. Masu.

Furthermore, this finding also confirms that milk components secreted by mammary epithelial cells share functional similarities with raw milk fat globules, suggesting that natural design plays a pivotal role in shaping the microbial ecosystem. It reinforced the idea that there is.

Professor Argov Argaman said: “Our study reveals the complex ways in which the physical properties of milk fat globules influence microbial dynamics, providing a potential route to promoting health through natural dietary components. ”.

This research opens the door to a deeper understanding of how milk’s natural properties influence microbial communities, and also has implications for dairy science, infant nutrition, and food safety. Professor Argov Argaman’s research exemplifies how digging into the subtle details of nature can reveal deep insights into the mechanisms that maintain health.

Further information: C. Raz et al, The role of structure in the interactions between bacteria, mammary epithelial cells and milk fat globules from raw or “cultured” milk, Food Chemistry (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2024.142244

Provided by Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Citation: Study Finds Small Milk Fat Globules Promote Growth of Good Bacteria (January 2, 2025) Retrieved January 2, 2025 from .html

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