
Research is discovered that the carbon capture of the constructed wetland decreases with age.

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A new study suggests that the constructed wetlands do good jobs in the early days of capturing carbon in an environment that contributes to climate change, but the abilities will decrease over time as the wetlands mature. 怂

Researchers investigate soil core samples collected from two constructed freshwater wetlands, and compare them with previous research data in the same wetland for 29 years, isolated carbon carbon at the time of aging and stored. I judged whether it was.

The survey shows that both wetlands have captured the same amount of carbon for decades, but none have shown net income or loss since the 15th year.

But their value in carbon isolation is surprising.

Jay Martin, a prominent professor of food, agriculture, and biological engineering at Ohio State University, states: study. “When we try to fight the climate change, they provide many species that are important for us.”

Researchers have analyzed the data of the SchierMeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park (orwrp), which is the best site for long -term research for overwhelming amounts of environmental data generated in the past 30 years.

Previous studies in the park revealed that the soil has shown an increase in carbon level. However, by using detailed measurements taken in the wetlands of the 29th year after construction, Martin’s team discovered that the abilities of carbon in wetlands decreased as mature.

This study was recently published in the Journal Ecological Engineering.

Under the current conditions, wetlands are stable and ecological power, and this equilibrium is not expected to change quickly.

“When building a wetland first, early plant growth often causes carbon very quickly,” said Daniel Luan, a former master’s course in ecology. I said. “But it is impossible to achieve infinite growth.”

According to Ruane, the carbon isolation and storage rates are still much larger than other ecosystems, so the carbon isolation and storage rates are still much larger than other ecosystems, so the amount of air carbon artificial wetlands is limited. There is a limit, but there is a limit.

As a result, future research on the health of orWRP may analyze various plant groups that grow in the region, investigate methane emissions, and determine the period when the land functions as carbon sedimentation.

“The wetlands are more and more positive,” Martin said. “Our survey results emphasize that these ecosystems should be seen with better light than ever.”

More than 50 % of the natural wetlands of the earth have disappeared over the past few centuries due to the increase in land use in urban and agriculture. This decline affects the ecosystem services throughout the United States, but Martin said in the Midwest, most noticeable.

For example, in Ohio, the expected wetland loss is close to 90 %, which is dangerous to expose many important processes that humans depend on, such as improving water quality and flood relief.

Rune said that this would provide more reasons for policy propriods to build and maintain a wetland ecosystem.

“Now, if you create and recover more wetlands, it can solve our many problems in the future,” he said.

The co -author of this research includes Michael Brookers in Ohio, William Mitsu, Glenchora, Branca Bernal in the United States, Chris Anderson of the University of Ovn, and Robert Naylan of the University of Oklahoma.

Details: 29 years of carbon isolation in ecological engineering (2024), two constructed river wetlands, including Daniel Ruane. Doi: 10.1016/J.Ecoleng.2024.107435

Provided from Ohio State University

Quotation: According to the study, the carbon capture of wetlands decreased with age, acquired from on February 1, 2025. 2025, January 31)

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