
Research has shown that vulnerable communities are facing the dangers of complex environments.

Serious danger accumulation in a very social vulnerable census. Credit: Environmental survey letter (2024). Doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/AD9EC7

Environmental disasters have confused the life of the entire region and are on the same burden of communities that are already facing social and economic difficulties. Extreme events, such as floods caused by Tennessee and Hurricane Helen in North Carolina, indicate this phenomenon in real time.

Studies led by Professor Paul Armswork, Professor of Knoxville, provide comprehensive analysis on how multi -hazard environmental risk affects the US community. Through the pairing of social vulnerability index data from the disease management and prevention and danger exposure data center, this study has revealed that more than 11 % of the US population is highly risky due to environmental dangers. 。 Water deficiency, air pollution, mountain fire, flood, water quality obstacles, etc.

Their survey shows that socially vulnerable groups, certain low -income households and households that have restricted access to healthcare are much more likely to experience composite risks from multiple serious dangers. Is shown. These risks will increase the immediate threats and hinder the ability to recover from the extreme environmental events in the future.

“We can expect extreme events to be more frequent and more people are exposed to them,” said Armsworth. “This also means that complex dangers can be more common.”

ARMSWORTH, a specialist in spatial conservation plan and human interaction, is a famous service professor in the Faculty of Ecology and the Faculty of Evolution, and is a public policy of Baker School and public relations. For this study, he partnered with researchers at the Colorado State University, Fortcollins, and the Rocky Mountain Research Station of the Rocky Mountain Research Station. This study, “Multihazard Risks in Social Vulnerable Community,” is published in environmental research letters.

“By mapping the intersections between social vulnerabilities and environmental dangers, this study creates a disadvantageous cycle of these duplicate risks, and it is more difficult for the vulnerable community to adapt and recover. I emphasize what to do, “said Armsworth.

Their research, focusing on the United States, has revealed a wide range of environmental risks. Taking these complex issues requires adjusted efforts beyond isolated intervention. This study also emphasizes the differences in the environment that amplify the importance of dealing with the unique issues facing people in various communities and areas of demographic risk factors.

“Solutions need to be adjusted according to the specific social vulnerability experienced by the community,” said Armsworth. “Is it lacking access to services, low income and economic vulnerability, or something else?”

These insights are important for policy proprietors and resource managers to reduce the risk of multi -hazards and build recovery in the most vulnerable community. This research data provides useful tools and references to field experts who track these issues.

“What makes this study very valuable is exactly what American community is exposed to danger,” he said, a lead scientist in Natural Consonservance’s natural -based solution. One Robert McDonald states. “This is useful for targeting initiatives to reduce the most useful community environmental dangers.”

Details: Leslie Sanchez et al, Multi -Hazard Risks and Environmental Research Letters (2024), multi -hazard risk in socially vulnerable communities throughout the United States. Doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/AD9EC7

Provided by the University of Tennessee Knoxville University

Quotation: The vulnerable community faces the danger of a complex environment, and the research show (2025, February 3) is https://phys.org/news/2025-02 on February 3, 2025. -Vulnerable-communities-compaudounded-environmental-hazards.htmll

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