Space & Cosmos

Recent high -speed radio bursts question what the astronomers believed they knew.

The location of the high -speed radio burst indicated by the elliptical contour is located in the outskirts of the huge elliptical galaxy, which is the yellow elliptical. Credit: Gemini Observatory

Astronomer Calvin Leon, astronomer, was newly established last summer to accurately identify the so -called high -speed radio burst (FRB) to accurately identify powerful radio waves emitted from somewhere in Koguma. I was excited to analyze data from the telescope.

Leon, a winner of Dr. Miller at the University of California Berkeley School, ultimately understood the origin of these mysterious bursts and used them as a spacecraft, as a key to the origin and evolution of the universe. I want to track a large cosmic structure. He and his colleagues combine data from several telescopes to create most of the computer codes that enable triangular surveying within the width of the hair with the arms extended. Ta.

When co -researchers of Canadian hydrogen strength mapping experiments (chime) pointed an optical telescope on the spot, the source should not be originally found in the distant suburbs of the elliptical galaxy that had disappeared long ago. , The excitement turned into a puzzle. The number of stars that are considered to generate these bursts.

Instead of finding the expected “magnetter” (a high -magnetized spin -neutral star, a high -magnetized spinning star in a young large quantus nuclear collapse), “The problem is that there is a magnet in this old star. Is to explain, “said Leon, who died?”

The wreckage of a young star that the theorist believes to generate radio waves of these millisecond bursts is 11.3 billion years, which is 2 billion light years away from the earth, 100 billion times. It should have disappeared in the previous galaxy.

“This is not only the first Fed found outside the dead galaxy, but also the farthest place from the related galaxy compared to all other Feds. It is the question of how such an energy event can happen. “This is an area where no new stars have been formed.” Student, Vishwang Shah, said. It is called FRB 20240209A.

Shah is the author of the Fed research in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, along with his second papers by a colleague at the Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.

Leon, a co -author of the amateur, is the chief developer of three telescopes, so -called outrigers, attached to the original chime wireless array near Pentik, British Columbia. While Leon was a doctoral course at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), he taught Shar in Magil and then retained a fellowship at the University of California Berkeley before Mirror Fellowship.

California’s new chime outrigger

The third outrigger wireless array will be operating this week at the Hat Creek Observatory. Hat Creek Observatory is a facility in Northern California, which was previously owned and operated by the University of California Berkeley, and is currently managed by the Mountain View SETI Research Institute. Combining the four arrays greatly improves the chime’s ability to accurately identify the Fed.

“In combination with the three outriggers, this is a considerable amount,” Leon said, “this is a considerable amount,” said Leon. “This is 20 times better than a chime with two outligger arrays.”

With this new accuracy, the optical telescope can identify the type of star group (spherical star cluster, swirl galaxy) that rotates and generates bursts, and preferably the source of stars. Among the 5,000 sources of occurrence (95% or more detected by chime), there are few separated magnets and other types of stars. The initiative to check if it is has been hindered.

As mentioned in the new paper, Shah repeats many bursts from the Fed to improve the pinpoint accuracy provided by the chime array in British Columbia and one outrigger array. did. After it was discovered in February 2024, astronomers recorded 21 bursts by July 31. Since the filing was submitted, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Zion Andrew has incorporated data from the second outrigger in the West Virginia Green Bank Observatory to confirm the publication of Shah at 20 times. accuracy.

“The result is to question the existing theory that links the origin of the Fed with the phenomenon of the star -shaped galaxy,” Shah said. “The source is in the spherical stars, which is a dense area where the old dead stars outside the galaxy are crowded. If that is confirmed, the FRB 20240209A is the second FRB related to the spherical cluster. It will be just.

However, she pointed out that another Fed from the spherical stars was not an old elliptical galaxy, which had stopped forming a hundreds of billion years ago, but a living galaxy.

“It is clear that there is still a lot of exciting discovery in Fed, and that the Fed environment may be the key to solving the secret,” said Dr. Einstan Researcher Fellowship at the University of Northwestern. Was said, Tarane Futecari, the first author of the second paper. paper.

“If you use chime and the outrigger telescope, you will be able to measure astronomy at a level that is not comparable to the Hubble Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope. He added. “It’s a great radio telescope.”

Detailed information: Vishwangi Shahh et al, “Repeated high -speed radio burst source on the outskirts of a still galaxy”, the astrophysical journal Letters (2025). Doi: 10.3847/2041-8213/AD9DDC

T. EFTEKHARI and others, “The ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL Letters (2025),” The Astrophysical Journal Letters (2025) “,” Retropen Radio Burst FRB 20240209A’s huge elliptical host galaxy “. Doi: 10.3847/2041-8213/AD9DE2

Provided by California University Berkeley School

Quoted: Recent high-speed radio bursts question what the astronomers believe (January 25, 2025) -Astronomers-Belied-Knew acquired on January 26, 2025. html

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