
Rat! Because scientists say that the temperature means more rats, more rodents are invading the city.

Rats will leave the burrow in a park in New York on September 17, 2015. Credit: AP Photo/Mary Altfer, File

The invasion of rats in many world cities seems to be soaring, especially in Washington. New research has blamed the temperature, urbanization of global warming, and other human behavior.

In the first survey of rat groups and reasons that are difficult to count, we use rat aiming reports in 16 cities around the world. According to a Journal SCIENCE ADVANCES survey on Friday, the rat complaints are increasing in 11 of these cities.

Based on the individual trends in the cities, Washington was a rat leader, followed by San Francisco, Toronto, New York, and Amsterdam. Research has reported that Washington’s RISING RAT reported trends three times that of Boston’s trend, three times the report in New York, and 50 %. Washington officials did not respond to the comment request.

In Maldigra’s house, only three cities have seen the significant decrease in New Orleans, Louisville, and Tokyo’s new trends, showing the maximum decrease in rats. Experts said that Louisiana City could teach others how to fight rat problems.

Researchers have performed statistical analysis of RISING RAT reports in these cities, concluding that it is due to the temperature of coal, oil, and natural gas, slightly above 40 % of the tendency to see. Ta. And when he returned to sex and food, the chief author of Jonathan Richardson, a biologist at Richmond University, said.

“Probably, since this is a small mammal with physiological tasks in the cold season, there is a trend in rats in the fastest warmed city,” Richardson said. “When the winter starts one or two weeks after winter, and the spring arrives one or two weeks earlier, it is one, two, and three weeks for one year, and the rats are collected on the ground. You may be able to get one or two reproductive cycles.

The extra moon may not be heard much, but women’s rats can hold garbage every month. Richardson stated that each garbage was 8-16 baby rats. “It’s a recipe for accelerating population.”

Researchers pointed out two other large statistical links that comply with known biological issues. More rat reports: An increase in urbanization and the increase in cities with high population density.

Rats, research and external scientists, such as the environment near the research and the waste, said. Several experts said they were eating at the same table as humans.

“The rat is the third most successful mammal behind a human and house mouse, so it has evolved and designed to live with us,” said New York’s rat Czar Kathleen Corradi improving pest control. He spoke during a break at the New Orleans Conference. “They are on all continents, except for Antarctica, following the Homo Sapiens over the entire continent, so it is considered an evil problem.”

Rats are intelligent and very adaptive, but Richardson and other experts said they were serious for people.

“The group of rodents is high, people are sick, people are disabled, cars are disabled, mental health is reduced, fires are caused, and food is focused,” Houston’s expert Michael. Persons said. People are correctly bothered by rats for the “natural fear caused by creatures that can make us sick.”

Researchers do not have a good number in rats. This is one of the first attempts to quantify them, as they are not as easy as other creatures for the way they live and hide. This study is not a rat count, but a complaint count of people.

Richardson stated that the tendency they discovered had a scientific merit, as statistics dated for many years and only cities that have not changed the reporting method. He says that Washington tends to increase the most, which does not mean that there are witnesses for more rats and rats, but that is the faster the city. Ta.

Rat! Because scientists say that the temperature means more rats, more rodents are invading the city.

Rats will be found on March 19, 2017 at Central Park, New York. Credit: AP Photo/Sethwenig, File

Several external experts said this study was legal, wise, and very needed.

“This paper is the biggest data -driven initiative to understand the changes in the rat groups in cities so far,” said Professor Jason Munsus South, a professor of the University of Drexel. 。

According to Richardson and Coradi, looking at some cities where rats have fallen may be useful for fighting Rats. The answer is not to be poison or Trap, but it is a prevention.

“In New Orleans, they go out to the neighborhood, make great efforts to conduct educational workshops and campaigns, and talk to residents about the possibility that their property has a rat,” Richardson. I said.

Recently in New York City, the recent rat battle, including the replacement of the garbage on the street with a rat -resistant container, has not yet been introduced in Richardson’s data, but Rat Charcoal Colla. D said that the initial results were encouraged. The city signed a person called “NYC RAT PACK”, a rat fighter elite team.

It’s a difficult battle.

“Our cities are warm, urbanized, and (increasing), increasing rat resources and increasing the number,” said Simon Fraser University of Simon Fraser University, Karyie Bireauers. I mentioned.

According to Neil Curter, a conservation scientist at Michigan University, “it is necessary to coexist with wildlife in the urban environment.” Ta.

“Zero Lat is not possible,” Richardson said. “However, I think that the expectation that we need to live with the number of rats seen in many of these cities is also an unhealthy perspective on this problem.”

Details: Jonathan L. Richardson et al, the increase in cities rats is related to climate warming, urbanization, population and science progress (2025). Doi: 10.1126/Sciadv.ads6782

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Quote: Rat! Scientists say that the temperature means more rat babies, so more rodents are invading the city (2025, January 31) HTTPS on January 31, 2025. : // THING-RATS-Infesting-cities-cientist.html

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