Physics decipher the structure of antimonal melting and explains the nature of observed structural abnormalities.

Graphical abstract. Credit: Journal of Molecular Liquids (2024). Doi: 10.1016/J.MOLLIQ.2024.126699
Antimon is widely used to produce materials for electronic devices, like metal alloys that are resistant to corrosion and high temperatures.
“Antimon melt is interesting. Because near the melting point, the atoms of this melt can form a binding structure in a compact cluster or expansion chain, and can stay in the binding state for a long time. Is a triple linked to the adjacent atoms, and the center of the linked atoms is at the top of these triplets, which forms a larger structure, and is detected by neutrons and X. “-Ray Reffraction Experiments” explains the chairman of the Learning Supervisor and the Copy Process Bureau.
The computer modeling method based on quantum chemical calculations makes it possible to reproduce the abnormalities of the molten antimon structure with high accuracy.
According to Bulat Galimzyanov, an associate professor in the Department of Modeling, a computational and physical process, these structural abnormalities appear as additional bursts for experimental sexual children and X -ray diffraction patterns. And all of these have been recorded experimental for a while by researchers, but the physical nature of these experimental features is still ongoing.
His research was conducted at the Institute for Physical Material Science and published in Journal of Molecular Liquids.
“It is noteworthy that the same structural abnormality is observed in pure bismass melting, which belongs to the chemical group of Pennken, like Antimon. Near the melting point, the long life structure. I found that the physical process of these moles can be explained in a unified way, “suggests that it can be formed in bismas.” I will explain.
The result can be used for the design of new materials that contribute to understanding the basic processes generated on a scale comparable to the size of atoms and molecular molecules and have a unique combination of physical and chemical characteristics. It is important.
Details: Journal of Molecular Liquids (2024), the physical properties of the semi -stable structure existing in ARTEM A. TSYGANKOV et al and Antimony Melt. Doi: 10.1016/J.MOLLIQ.2024.126699
Provided by Kazan Federal University
Quotation: The physicist has deciphered the structure of an antimon -melting material and explained the properties of the observed structural abnormality (January 31, 2025). 2025 February 2, 225 Https:// -NTIMONY-ANOMALIES. Html
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