Space & Cosmos

New research has been revealed that the moon is not as “geological dead” as before.

(A) It is overlayed to the distribution of Faside SMR (yellow polyline) compared to the moon Maria (red polygon) and the global mosaic of LROC wide -angle cameras centered on the 180 ° afternoon. (B) Small image of SPA SMR cluster that indicates individual ridge segments (white arrows) (LROC NAC M1392716156LE). (C) Fir -side SMR cluster direction (orange line) is covered with the direction of prediction features generated from overall contraction, orbital recession, and solid tide (TR WATTERS ETAL .2015; I. Matsuyama ETAL. Credit: Planetary Science Journal (2025). Doi: 10.3847/AD9EAA

Scientists have been studying the moon surface for decades to help connect their complex geological and evolutionary history. Evidence from the moon Maria (the dark, flat area of ​​the moon filled with the coheded lava) suggests that the moon has experienced a significant compression in its distant past. Researchers suspected that a large ridge near the moon was formed by the shrinkage that occurred several billion years ago.

However, new research revealed that something under the moon could be more dynamic than before. Two Smithonian scientists and Geologists at Maryland University discovered that the small ridge on the other side of the moon was remarkably younger than the ridge he studied earlier. Their survey results were published on the Planetary Science Journal on January 21, 2025.

“Many scientists believe that most of the geological movements of the month had happened two and a half years and perhaps 3 billion years ago,” said Jaclyn Clark, UMD’s Faculty of Geology. “However, it can be seen that these structural terrain has recently been active in the past 1 billion years and may be active today. These small horses have been ridge in the past 200 million years. It seems to be formed.

Using advanced mapping and modeling techniques, the team found a small ridge that was not known before 266 in the distance of the moon. According to researchers, the ridge is usually 3.2 to 3.6 billion years ago in a narrow area where the surface of the moon may have fundamental weaknesses 3.2 to 3.600 million years ago. Appeared in the group. In order to estimate the age of these small ridge, researchers used a crater count method. They discovered that the ridge was particularly younger than the other characteristics around him.

“In essence, the more craters of the surface, the older it is, the longer the surface is to accumulate more craters,” Clark explained. “After seeing some crater around these small ridges and seeing some of the ridge passing through the existing shock craters, I believe that these terrain was structurally active in the past 160 million years.”

Interestingly, Clark pointed out that the structure of the distant ridge is similar to what is seen near the moon. This suggests that both were created with the same force. Apollo Mission detected shallow Moon Quest several decades ago. New discoveries suggest that these small ridges may be related to similar seismic activities. Learning more about the evolution of the moon may have an important meaning in logistics of future missions in the future.

“I hope that future missions to the moon will include tools such as ground penetration radar. This will make researchers understand the structure under the moon better,” Clark says. I said. “Knowing that the moon is still geological dynamic has a very realistic meaning in the planning to put astronauts, equipment, and infrastructure on the month.”

Details: CA NYPAVER ET AL, recent structural deformation of the lunar and Antarctica of the recent botanical science journal (2025). Doi: 10.3847/AD9EAA

Provided by Maryland University

Quoting: The moon is not as “geological dead” as before. In a new study (2025, January 28), I got it from–moon.-moon.-dead -privaly- on January 29, 2025. Thought.html

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