
New means in quantum research: Supermoline chemistry detects kit candidates

Linker impact on the formation of the quartet state in the radical system. Credit: Nature Chemistry (2025). Doi: 10.1038/S41557-024-01716-5

A research team in Francohitz, including members of the University of Fribiburuk, has indicated that super -division chemistry enables efficient spin communication through hydrogen bonds. This work is published in Nature Chemistry.

Cubit is a basic component of information processing in quantum technology. An important research question is a material that they are actually composed of technical applications. Molecular spinkibits are especially considered a promising kit candidate for quantum sensing molecular spintronics. The materials studied here may be stimulated by light. This creates a second spin center, and then creates a bright induction quartet.

Until now, research has assumed that the interaction between two spin centers is only sufficient for successful quartet formation if the center is co -bonded. In order to integrate such a co -binding network, the use of application -related development in the field of quantum technology has been strictly restricted.

Researchers at the Freiburg University Research Institute and the Charles Sadron Research Institute at the University of Strasbourg have been able to indicate for the first time that non -shared spin communication can be efficient. To do this, scientists used a model system that consists of a perillaemide coloring team that self -organizes into a functional unit in the solution by hydrogen bonds and a radical of jarchide.

Important advantages: Spinkibit’s ordered network formation can now be achieved using a super molecular approach. This enables new combinations and system scalability tests without major synthetic efforts.

“The result is a great possibility of super -molecular chemistry for the development of new materials in quantum research,” says Savin Richart, who is conducting a research at the University of Physical Chemistry at the University of Flyburg.

“We provide innovative methods to research, expand, and optimize these systems, and thus this survey result is an important step toward the development of new components of molecular spintronics.”

Details: Ivan V. KHARIUSHIN et al, Photogenerated QUBIT Super Molecular Die, Nature Chemistry (2025). Doi: 10.1038/S41557-024-01716-5

Provided by the University of Flyburg, Albertre Twiches

Quotation: New way for quantum research: https: // on January 28, 2025 (January 28, 2025 Supramolecular chemistry to detect) is detected (January 28, 2025)

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