New biometric material for regenerative medicine: Scientists develop living hydrogel with cell nanocon positive

A new biological material developed by an engineer in Pennsylvania imitates an extracellular matrix, an important component of human tissue. The extracellular matrix acts like a scaffold so that the cells can be cured after damage. Credit: SHEIKHI RESEARCH GROUP/PENN State. Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.
According to Pennsylvania researchers, biological materials that can imitate specific actions in biological tissues may move forward to regenerative medicine, disease modeling, and soft robot engineering.
The materials created so far have been created to imitate the tissue and the extracellular matrix (ECMS). This is a biological scaffold of proteins and molecular bodies that support tissue and cells, and there are restrictions that hinder practical applications according to the team. To overcome some of these restrictions, researchers have developed a bi -based “living” material that imitates ECM biological reactions to mechanical stress, including self -restoration characteristics.
They announced the results on the ingredients’ horizon. There, research was featured on the journal cover.
“We have developed cell -free and cell -free materials that dynamically mimic the behavior of ECM, an important building block of mammal organization, which is important for organizational structure and cell function,” Hack and J. Lloyd Hack are the early career chairs of biological materials and recycled engineering.
According to researchers, the previous repetition of the material -hydrogel, or the water rich polymer network was synthesized, lacking the mechanical response of ECM and the desired combination of biological imitation.
“Specifically, it is necessary to reproduce the nonlinear strain in suppression when the ECM network is suppressed under the shares caused by the physical force executed by cells or external stimuli.” Sheki said. Signal.
“Ingredients also need to reproduce the structure of the tissue and the self -restoration characteristics necessary for survival. The previous synthetic hydrogel is difficult to balance the complexity of ECM materials, biological compatibility, and mechanical imitation. It was.

With the livgels nano configuration, the material can be “self -healed” through both the shared and ionic bond. Credit: SHEIKHI RESEARCH GROUP/PENN State. Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.
The team has dealt with these restrictions by developing a living hydrogel (Livgel) with a cell -free nanoconposite made from “hair mummy” nano particles. The nanoparticle is composed of cellulose chains at the end, nano crystal with “hair” or “NLINKERS”.
These hairs have introduced anisotropy. In other words, NLINKERS has different characteristics according to the direction, enabling dynamic bonding with the biopolymer network. In this case, the nanoparticle was binded to the bio -polymerized matrix of modifier, a natural polysaccharide found in brown algae.
“These NLINKERS form a dynamic bond in a matrix that enables distortion -curing movements. In other words, it imitates the ECM reaction to mechanical stress. This is a material under a variety of stressers. Measure how to behave, and measure the speed of recovers the structure after high distortions, “I can fine -tune the mechanical characteristics of the material to match the natural ECM characteristics. I was able to do it.
Surely, this material is completely made of biological materials and avoids synthetic polymers with potential biological compatibility problems. In addition to relieving previously developed materials, Livgels achieves double characteristics of nonlinear mechanism and self -restoration without sacrificing structural integrity. NLINKERS specifically promotes dynamic interactions that enable accurate control of rigidity and distortion suppression characteristics. In summary, the design approach converts bulk and static hydrogel into dynamic hydrogel that closely mimics ECM.
Potential applications include the creation of a realistic environment for studying the progress of the disease by simulating the regenerative medicine repair and regenerative scaffolding, and the organizational behavior for drug tests. Researchers have stated that it can be used to develop a 3D bioprint customizable hydro gel and soft robots with mechanical characteristics.
“In the next step, a specific tissue type Livgels is optimized, a survey of regenerative medicine in vivo applications, the integration of the 3D bioprint platform of the Livgels, and the possibility of a dynamic wearable or embedded device. Included, “said Sheikhi.
Roya Koshani, a scholar of chemical engineering in Pennsylvania, and SINA KHEIRABADI, a doctor of chemical engineering in Pennsylvania, were co -authored in this paper. Shaki also has a partnership in biological engineering, chemistry and neurosurgery departments, and the Life Science Hack Research Institute.
Details: Roya Koshani et al, nano compatible living cell -free cell -free hydrogel, material view (2024). Doi: 10.1039/D4MH00922C
Provided by Pennsylvania State University
Quotation: New biometric material for regenerative medicine: the bimaterian system scientist on February 3, 2025 From the thin ACLULAR nanoconposit living hydrogel (February 3, 2025), it develops. Html
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