Nanocylbar complexes derived from green tea indicate anti -black acoustic activity.

Credit: nadezhda Ivanova
Blackoma is a rapidly progressing skin that features high mortality after transition. Local chemotherapy can be regarded as a treatment approach only during surgical removal (in Situ melanoma) and postoperative stages while suspected of skin lesions. For this purpose, drugs such as Imikimodo, 5-fluorouracil, Dakarbazine, and Doxorbicin have been tested, indicating positive effects. Recently, the metal nanoparticle as an individual treatment unit or a drug carrier has also focused on research.
In particular, silver nanoparticles (AGNP) are widely recognized as multifunctional tools of nanodicin, drug delivery, and terranosics. They demonstrate a wide spectrum antibacterial and antitumor characteristics, but their pharmacological effects are close to the so -called “surface function”. For example, it has been proven that negative spherical particles are less toxic than aggressively charged particles than irregular shapes (for example, rods, wires, etc.). Still, the former is a very powerful anticancer drug.
Modern pharmaceutical development is very dependent on environmentally friendly technologies (often called “green” technology) that avoids the use of toxic solvents and reagents. This study implements one of these methods based on Camellia Sinensis as a natural decrease in silver ions.
To achieve enhanced antibacterial and antitumor activity, the AGNP obtained in this way was further binded to Chlor Hexidine (CX+). In fact, AGNP-CX+complex shows a significantly increased antibacterial characteristics, about 18 times more antimelanoma activity, and three times the tumor selection of tumor compared to non-functional AGNP.
The most valuable result of this new study in Journal Pharmacia was the establishment of an adhesive patch prototype as a local administration form of AGNP-CX+complex.
The used polymer, Hydroxopil Methylcellulose and EUDRAGIT RS, showed a lack of negative interference with the antipheral effect of active drugs, but has twice the activity and better selectivity to tumor cells. 。
Details: Nadezhda Antonova Ivanova, green production nano silver -chlorhexidine complex, drug (2025) antimelanoma activity. Doi: 10.3897/pharmacia.72.e143419
Provided by Pensoft Publishers
Quoted: Nanocylbar complex derived from green tea indicates anti-black tumor activity (January 31, 2025) Https:// from February 2, 2025 -Derived-nanosilver-complex.html
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