Mechanical chemistry: The new theory describes acceleration of reaction speed.

The mechanical force applied to the ball mill enhances the mixture of reactions by reducing the thickness of the rich phase. Credit: RSC Mechacen Chemistry (2024). Doi: 10.1039/D4MR00091a
In contrast to the conventional organic synthesis, mechanical chemistry does not ultimately use a solvent that becomes industrial waste. Therefore, mechanical chemicals are environmentally friendly and can use organic synthesis using reactions that are inadequate in general solvents.
Since the solvent is not used, the reactions used for organic synthesis are often in a solid state. Previous experimental research suggests that the force applied by the ball to the system accelerates the chemical reaction, but it is well understood how macroscopic force affects the chemical reaction on molecular scale. Not.
Compared to the conventional method for organic synthesis, the theoretical basis of mechanical chemical organic synthesis is still in the early stages. Understanding the reaction speed in mechanical chemical reactions is important to promote the field to become a conventional strategy itself.
For this purpose, a research team led by Associate Professor Yamamoto of the Hokkaido University’s Chemical Reaction Design and Discovering Laboratory (WPI-iCredd) develops a theory that predicts the speed of mechanical chemical reactions using ball mills. did.
Their research, published in Journal RSC MECANOCHEMISTRY, was achieved through the cooperation of researchers specializing in organic chemistry and leology.
Chemical reactions between solid reactions occur between them and form a product. The new theory predicts that the main layer, mainly formed at this interface, will determine the reaction speed.
The theory predicts the cause of the reaction acceleration. As the ball collides, force is applied to the interface of the reaction that is formed. This power reduces the thickness of the product, causes a faster collision between reaction objects, leading to an increase in product formation.
“This study is the first attempt to perform a focus on the interface to perform a speed -theory of mechanical chemical reactions, which provides further insights on mechanisms of the mechanical force. Form a foundation for developing the theory, “said the first author of the research. Associate Professor Yamamoto.
“The detailed reaction mechanism of the mechanical chemical process remains mysterious, and it has been proven that experimental approach alone is inadequate to completely elucidate these mechanisms. Successful research, Koji Kubota, a successor to a successful collaboration in ICREDD.
Details: A scaling theory of speed theory of mechanical chemical reactions with Yamamamoto et al, anti -stream, RSC Mecha Semistry (2024). Doi: 10.1039/D4MR00091a
Provided by Hokkaido University
Quotation: Mechanical Chemical synthesis: In the new theory, acceleration speed acceleration (2025, January 24) Acquired from HTML.
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