
Many animals and plants have lost their genetic diversity and are vulnerable

Athena, named Athena, is looking outside on January 15, 2025 during the Florida Pan Circuit Sierra Club Tour in Naples, Florida. Credit: AP Photo/Lynne Sladky, file

According to the research published on Wednesday, it is difficult to adapt to changes in the environment because two -thirds of animals and plants’ groups have declined genetic diversity.

Longly before the species, the population is smaller, more fragmentated, and thus the number of potential friends, thus the genetic mixture is reduced. As a result, seeds become more vulnerable to future threats such as illness.

Catherine Grober, co -author, Sydney University of Sydney, said, “The surprising trend was a surprising trend.

Researchers investigated 628 species surveyed between 1985 and 2019. The biggest loss of genetic mutation was found in birds and mammals.

The survey results were published in Nature.

“When the species have different genetic solutions, it can deal with the change well,” said David Nogs Bravo, the University of Copenhagen, who was not involved in research.

Some individuals are better than others for genes when new diseases change summer rainfall. High genetic diversity means that species is likely to survive.

Conservation efforts to connect isolated groups that basically expand a specific dating pool can help maintain or recover genetic diversity.

Florida Panthers is an extinction SPECIES species that steadily lost its habitat on the sprolls of highways and cities. By the mid -1990s, the remaining large cats in the southern part of Florida showed a clear sign of a mating of male tails and low sperm.

Biologists brought eight female pansers from Texas to Florida. Twenty years later, the number of wild Florida breaders has increased significantly, increasing genetic diversity.

“The isolated population is suffering,” said Duke University Economics Stuart Pim. “The solution is to reconnect them.”

Details: Catherine Gruver, global meta analysis indicates that the loss of genetic diversity and action needs to stop nature (2025). Doi: 10.1038/S41586-024-08458-X.

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Quoted: Many animals and plants have lost their genetic diversity, and from February 1, 2025 https: //news/2025-01–nimals-diversity-vulnerable.html

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