
Invisible alliance: The kingdom collides as bacteria and cells form a fascinating connection

Here, this method forms a direct tension contact with the coarse substrate (Cyan), which is the first known example of the intracellular disease that interacts with the eukary bios membrane, and here is a bacterial R. Parker. ) You can see. Credit: Lamason Lab.

In biology textbooks, the vynes are often drawn as a clear compact organella near the nucleus, and is generally known to be the cause of protein personal trading and secretion. In fact, ER is vast and dynamic, spreads throughout the cells, and can establish contact and communication with other organella. These membrane contact regulates a variety of processes such as fat metabolism, sugar metabolism, and immune response.

By investigating how the pathogens are manipulated and hijacking and promoting their life cycle, many basic cell functions can be revealed and the pathogens that have not been studied can be executed. Provides insights on treatment options.

A new study of Lamason Lab, a MIT’s Faculty of Biology, recently published in Journal of Cell Biology, is that Rickettsia Parkeri, a bacterial pathogen that lives freely on the site sol, has an interaction in a rough and stable method. It is shown. , Form a contact with the Organelella that was invisible before.

This is the first known example of a direct interpretal contact site between intracellular bacterial pathogen and the ebody.

Lamason Lab is studying R. Parkeri as a model for more toxic Rickettsia Rickettsii infection. R. RICKETTSII, which is transported and transmitted by tic, causes the spots of Rocky Mountain. Without treatment, infections can cause organs and as severe symptoms as death.

Ricochia is an obligatory pathogen, so research is difficult. In other words, like a virus, it means that you can only live and propagate living cells. Researchers are R. It must be creative to analyze basic questions and molecular players in Parkeri’s life cycle. Many remain unknown how Parkeri spreads.

Detour to junction

The first author YAMILEX ACEVEDO-Sánchez was a graduate of the BSG-MSRP-bi program at the time and graduated, but the ER and R. Parkeri had the interaction of ER and R. Parkeri, and Ricchia has reached the cell joint. I tried to observe.

R is the current model of Ricetchia. It includes the spread of cells to cells by moving to a special contact site between cells and being wrapped in adjacent cells to spread. Listeria Monocytogenes, which is also studying Lamason Lab, is forcibly promoting the adjacent cells using the tail of actin. In contrast, R. Parkeri can form an actin tail, but loses it before reaching cell joining. For some reason, R. Parker can still spread to adjacent cells.

After the MIT seminar on the unknown functions of ER, Acevedo-sánchez developed cell stocks and observed whether Rickchia reached the cell junction by riding an ER and spreading to the adjacent cells. 。

Instead, she looked at the unexpected percentage of R. Parker surrounded by ER, about 55 nanometers. This distance is important because the interconnected communication in the native cells forms a 10-80 nanometers connection. Researchers exclude R, excluding that they are not immune reactions. The ER section that interacts with Parker was still connected to a wider Network of ER.

“If you want to learn new biology, look at the cells,” says Acevedo-sánchez. “Operation of organica, which establishes contact with other organellas, may be a great way for pathogens to get control while infected.”

The stable connection was unexpected because the ER always broke and reformed for a few seconds or a few minutes. It was surprising to see the ER binding stably around the bacteria. R, as a site sol pathogen that exists freely in the infected cell site sol. It was unexpected to see Parkeri surrounded by membrane.

Small margin

Acevedo-sánchez has confirmed the initial observation results at a high resolution using a Focus ion beamscan electron microscope in cooperation with the Harvard University’s Nanoscale System Center. Fib-SEM collects cell samples and blasts with a concentrated ion beam to collect cell samples and shave some of the cell blocks. Each layer collects high -resolution images. The result of this process is the stack of the image.

From there, Acevedo-sánchez has a variety of images, such as mitochondria, reckache, or ER, and a program called ORS DRAGONFLY, a machine learning program, arranges about 1,000 images to identify these categories. I marked the replacement. The information was used to create a sample 3D model.

Acevedo-sánchez is R. It has been pointed out that less than 5 % of Parkeri forms a connection with ER, but it is known that a small amount of specific characteristics is important for R. Parkeri infection. R. Parker can be in the motor of the actin tail, and in two without moisture. In a mutant that cannot form an actin tail, R is R. Parkeri cannot proceed to adjacent cells, but in non -percentage, the ratio of R. Parker with tails begins with initial infections and does not exceed 15 % at its height. 。

ER interacts only with non -motor R. Parker, and those interactions have increased by 25 times in variants that could not form the tail.

Creating a connection

Co-authored Acevedo-sánchez, Patrick woida, and Caroline Anderson also investigated how to connect with ER. VAP proteins, which transmit ER interaction with other Organelella, are known to be adopted by other pathogens during infection.

VAP protein was mobilized to bacteria during the infection by R. Parkeri. When VAP protein is knocked out, R. The frequency of interaction between Parkeri and ER has decreased, R. It indicates that Parkeri may use these cell mechanisms for its own purpose during infection.

Acevedo-sánchez is currently working as an advanced scientist of ABBVIE, but Lamason Lab is a molecular player that may be involved, how these interactions are mediated, and the contact is the lord or bacterial life. We continue to investigate whether it will affect the cycle.

Rebecca Ramasson, a senior author and an associate professor of biology, pointed out that these potential interactions were particularly interesting because bacteria and mitochondria were thought to have evolved from common ancestors. Lamason Lab is R. We are investigating whether Parkeri can form the same membrane contact as mitochondria, but has not proven it yet. So far, R. Parkeri is the only site sol pathogen that has been observed in this way.

“It’s not just bacteria that accidentally hit ER. These interactions are very stable. ER is clearly wrapped around bacteria and is still connected to the ER network,” Lamason. Says. “It seems to have a purpose. The purpose remains a mystery.”

Details: Journal of Cell Biology (2025) forms a wide range of stable contacts with a large, stable contact with a rough, rickettsia parker. Doi: 10.1083/jcb.202406122

Provided by Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Quote: Invisible Alliance: The kingdom collides with bacteria and cells as attractive connections (2025, January 24) on January 24, 2025 2025-01-Invisible-alliance-kingddoms-collide-bacteria.htmll

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