
In new research, coal emissions are expensive to damage the crops of millions of India.

The average average seasonal concentration of the state level and the percentage of coal emissions in the 2019 monsoon (panel A and b) and winter (panel C and D). In both cases, the season’s No2 average, and the fractions caused by coal emissions indicate a considerable state level fluctuation in both seasons. Several states with low seasonal concentrations have a high percentage due to excretion from coal power generation. Credit: The minutes of the National Science Academy (2025). Doi: 10.1073/pnas.2421679122

In many regions in India, a new study by Stanford Doer Sustainability Researchers reduces a single harmful polluted substance from coal -fired power plants by more than 10 % of the annual wheat and rice yield.

The two grains are important for Indian food security, the second largest country in the world.

Doctor Kirat Singh said: Study of the DOERR SCHOOL OF SUSTAINABILITY environment and resources students and the minutes of the National Science Academy on February 3.

Beautiful air and food safety

Past research is trying to quantify the cost of burning coal for electricity by estimating the number of deaths related to pollution that occurs. Government agencies and other organizations use the estimation of these numbers and the economic value of statistical life to understand the cost and benefits of various economic development strategies and environmental regulations.

However, so far, the estimated values ​​of damages of crops, especially linked to coal -fired power plants, which are 70 % or more in India, are also more than 10 years of research that indicate air pollutants such as ozone and sulfur dioxide. There is no shortage. Nitrogen dioxide damages the yield of crops.

“The productivity of crops is very important for Indian food security and economic prospects,” said DOERR SCHOOL OF SUSTAINABITY’s Earth System Science Department professor, David Lobell, a professor at Benjamin M. Page. He states I am. “I know that improvement of temperament can help agriculture, but this research is the first study to drill down to a specific sector and measure the potential advantages of reducing emissions.”

Damage to the main areas and the seasonal crops

For new research, the authors have estimated the loss of rice and wheat crops related to the discharge of nitrogen or NO2 from the coal area. They used 144 Indian power plants and statistical models that combine wind directions at satellite measurements via farmland and daily records at nitrogen dioxide levels.

The authors have found that coal power plants affect up to 100 kilometers, or about 62 miles, to the NO2 concentration. During the main growth period (January to February to October), if coal emissions from all farmland within this range are eliminated, the value of the entire Indian rice output is about $ 420 million and wheat production. The amount may increase $ 400 million a year. study.

“This study emphasizes the importance of examining environmental issues under system lenses,” said INSAZEVEDO, a professor of DOERRR SCHOOL OF SUSTAINABITY’s energy science and engineering. “Policy focusing on reducing emissions from India’s coal power plants ignore the important part of the problem if the damage to agriculture due to air pollution is not considered.”

In states with high levels of coal -fired power, such as CHHATTISGARH, coal emissions account for 13 to 19 % of nitrogen dioxide pollution in this area depending on the season. Other places, like Uttar Pradesh, coal emissions contribute only to about 3 to 5 % of NO2 pollution. Other gas sources caused by the combustion of fossil fuels include exhaust and industries of vehicles.

A wide range of benefits from emission cuts

The analysis reveals that the value of lost crop production is almost always lower than the injury of the mortality caused by a specific coal power plant. However, the intensity of damage to crops per hour per hour during the generated Gigawatt may be high. At 58 of the 144 generations investigated, the damage to rice around Gigawatto exceeded the mortality rate. The damage of wheat around Gigawatt exceeded the damage rate at 35 power plants.

“In this case, it is rare to find one thing. This helps agriculture very quickly and quickly,” said Robel, the Gloria and Richard Querector of Stanford’s center on food security and environment. I said.

Researchers have discovered that they are hardly overlapping between stations related to the largest crop loss and stations related to the highest mortality rate. This means that there is a possibility of future emission reduction, which may be more important and widely distributed than before. According to the author, the result emphasizes “the importance of taking into account the loss of crops as well as the effects on the health of regulating the power discharge of Indian coal.”

“The well -targeted policies to reduce emissions can increase thousands of dollars every hour, in addition to all climate and human health benefits. I said.

Details: KIRAT SINGH ET AL quantitizes the effects of air pollution from coal -fired power generated in Indian crop productivity, and records of the National Science Academy (2025). Doi: 10.1073/pnas.2421679122

Provided by Stanford University

Quotation: Coal emissions cost millions of crops in India, and new research in new research obtained from on February 4, 2025. (February 4, 2025)

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