
Dropping a fluid micro fluid may hold the key to next -generation cancer drugs.

Credit: Danielle Benavides/Texas A & M Engineering

At the Texas A & M University, one researcherabo has changed the fluid Micro Fuled game. This is a method that includes experimenting with nanoscale drops of liquid in a controlled environment. The team has developed a system faster, less cost, and more accurate with Liquid Micro Full Idix.

Dr. Almhan and his laboa sootheite, Professor Texas Instrumentz in the Faculty of Computer Engineering, have a technology named NOVASORT (next -generation opt volume -based accurate liquid drop sorter), a system that enables high -through bet screening of molecules. Created. Cell whose error rate has dropped significantly.

In previous research, it focuses on improving assay speed (type of clinical test), but the results of the teams published in natural communication have greatly improved accuracy without impairing the speed of the assay. One of the first team.

In the field of biotechnology, health care, and chemistry, many cells and molecules must be performed (millions and billions). However, despite the major advantages of quick tests, one of the largest restrictions on Micro Full Idix is ​​advanced errors in multi -step liquid operation. Therefore, this powerful technology is widely adopted and not commercialized beyond several very simple assays. 。

“Let’s say you’re a drug developer in the pharmaceutical industry or develop a new high -value molecule in the biotechnology industry,” said Han.

“To confirm that it is effective for specific cancer cells, you need to test millions of different drug compounds, or the most produced cells to develop good cells. In another example, one cell must be inspected to find, in another example, there are countless microorganisms, which are the most useful. To find out, you need to test millions of individual cells at a time. “

In the past, these experiments must be repeated through time -consuming expenses processes. Due to the novasort technology without a HAN error, the liquid Micro Fulid is more important in the pharmaceuticals, biotechnology industry, agricultural companies, and millions of experiments, and often much more value in manually performing scientific studies. I am ready to become a certain technology.

“Testing 10,000 or 1 million assays will increase the number of 5 % errors. The present invention significantly reduces the error in the single cell or a solution microffluid. Han, for example, from the 5 % error.

“With this method, you can execute millions of assays, but still have very little false positive or fake negative. With this new technology, liquid micro fluid will be a very powerful tool. “

The novasort Stem from the project started in 2019 in 2019 was to quickly identify the potential harmful microorganisms of these samples, leaving the field, isolation of soil and water samples. To achieve this, Han and his team have developed a technology to test millions of individual bacterial samples.

“In the project, it was important to be very accurate, as it could accidentally classify whether something was harmful if there were many results that could cause errors,” said Han. “It was really motivated to develop this technology. When going out and testing millions and billions of microorganisms, the error rate is reduced so that the error rate is very low.”

HAN’s multiple years have brought novasort, which is now widely used for private use. For example, this technology can be developed to help doctors create the best and timely intervention strategies for illness.

“Let’s say someone is infected with pathogenic microorganisms,” said Han. “Doctors try antibiotic treatment, but the forefront of antibiotics does not work. They immediately immediately see which drugs are the best antibiotic for infectious diseases. You have to find it.

HAN’s new technology will enable high -throughput screening to test millions of samples in a short time, which also has more accurate results, including next -generation cancer and antimicrobes. It means that the speed and accuracy of the discovery of the candidate can be improved. And antifungal drugs.

In addition, this technology can find bio -made applications, which include valuable products, chemicals, and molecules using biological systems. NovaSort may accelerate the process of using biological organisms that can generate very useful molecules.

“Potentially low cost, better drugs, better materials, and better chemicals may be developed.

With more interest in computer support such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, you can use NovaSort to generate a large amount of high -quality zero error data for researchers.

NovaSort is a collaboration between HAN’s nanobio systems lab and Dr. Paul De Figueiredo, a medical expert. They have been cooperating for many years to develop micro fluid technology and apply it to medical and biotechnology research.

All of these micro fluid chips are manufactured at Aggieefab nanofabrication facilities, the most advanced clean room facility of Texas A & M University.

“My laboratory is working on technological innovation, and the application of this technology is a place to cooperate with medical schools and biotechnology experts,” said Han. “For the future of this technology, the goal is to achieve a 0 % error.”

“We are very proud of this job,” said Han. “We will continue to improve this technology by building a micro fluid chip that can carry out very complex experiments and built a micro fluid chip that can apply this technology with a wider area.” Micro fluid technology is generated. “

Details: Han Zhang et al, Novasort for Error Free Drop MicroFluidics, Nature Communications (2024). Doi: 10.1038/S41467-02932-Z

Texas A & M Universi College College Engineering

Quotation: The move forward of the solution micro fluid is the next generation obtained from January 29, 2025 by https: //news/2025-01-DROPLET-MICROFLUIDICS-ADVANCE-KEY-generation.html from January 29, 2025. It may be the key to cancer medicine (January 29, 2025).

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