
Dead trees in Yellowstone increase wildfire risk

Output map of distance cumulative calculation from point and line fragility criteria. (a) Distance to roads, (b) Distance to trails, (c) Distance to water, (d) Distance to buildings. Credit: Di Yang et al.

Dead trees in Yellowstone National Park increase the risk of wildfires, especially near park infrastructure. A new study published in Forest Ecosystems examines how these dead trees contribute to fire hazards and threaten roads, buildings, and trails.

Dead trees, especially those that are left standing, are a serious fire hazard. These trees produce large amounts of dry, flammable material, often caused by pests, disease, and climate change. As wildfire risk increases as temperatures rise and droughts intensify, understanding how dead trees contribute to fire risk has become essential.

The research team used a powerful machine learning technique, the Random Forest Classification Model, to map the distribution of dead trees across Yellowstone. They combined data from the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) with satellite imagery to provide information on canopy height, vegetation cover, and tree health.

Their findings show that about 40% of parks are experiencing moderate to high levels of tree mortality, with areas like Central West Park among the hardest hit by past fires. It has become. “Our model showed an accuracy of 76.65%, giving us a clear picture of where standing dead trees are concentrated,” said study co-author Dr. Di Yang.

The researchers used spatial analysis to identify areas with the highest concentrations of standing dead trees. The study also showed significant densities of these trees, especially in areas affected by past fires, potentially leading to more severe fires in the future.

The study also assessed the vulnerability of park infrastructure by looking at how close dead tree hotspots are to roads, trails, buildings, and water sources. Researchers found that areas near park entrances and popular sites were most at risk, while large, sparse stands of dead trees in the northeast and south were at low risk.

This study provides important insights for managing wildfire risk in Yellowstone and similar ecosystems. The researchers hope their method can be applied to other regions facing the same challenges, enabling better-informed fire management strategies.

Further information: Carolyn Prescott et al., Wildfire Vulnerability Classification and Clustering Analysis of Standing Dead Trees and Associated Park Assets in Yellowstone National Park, Forest Ecosystems (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.fecs.2024.100284

Provided by Tsinghua University Press

Source: Yellowstone’s Dead Trees Increase Wildfire Risk (January 8, 2025) from yellowstone-dead-trees-pose-wildfire.html 2025 Retrieved January 8, 2018

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